Video to full modal

时间:2016-04-21 22:39:46

标签: javascript html css video

I am inserting YouTube videos in my website with iframes and I need to make the video almost full screen and the background white (like a full screen mode). I know how to make both, but I cant move the video with javascript from his container to a new one without stoping so how can i do it? Thanks for your time

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如果你正在使用Bootstrap,这是有效的。如果你不使用Bootstrap,我想你应该可以使用它。 YTModal帮助您在基于jQuery和Twitter Bootstrap 模式组件的弹出窗口中播放Youtube视频。它还需要jQuery YouTubeDefaultImageLoader.js将带有帖子图像的Youtube视频iframe插入到您的网页中