基本上我想要问题这个词,Johnny有1个镍,4个角钱和3个季度。约翰尼有多少钱? (回答:1.20美元) 但每次我改变它我的代码它都不起作用。
var person1, person2;
function getPeople() {
var people = ['Kritarth', 'Sharujan', 'Anveer', 'Krishna', 'Husnain', 'Iser', 'Ishan', 'Harman', 'Hemant', 'Harjot'];
person1 = people[Math.floor(Math.random() * people.length)];
person2 = people[Math.floor(Math.random() * people.length)];
while (person1 === person2) {
person2 = people[Math.floor(Math.random() * people.length)];
function getrandomnumber(min, max, notin) {
return min + Math.floor((max - min + 1) * Math.random());
function getoption(s, ch, num) {
var a = s.split(ch);
return a[num - 1];
var marymoney = getrandomnumber(50, 100, "");
var johnmoney = getrandomnumber(50, 100, "");
var maryitem = getrandomnumber(5, 20, "");
var johnitem = getrandomnumber(5, 20, "");
var marystuff = getoption("notebook,pencil,ruler,pen,eraser,binder,backpack", ",", getrandomnumber(1, 7));
var johnstuff = getoption("notebook,pencil,ruler,pen,eraser,binder,backpack", ",", getrandomnumber(1, 7));
while (marystuff === johnstuff) {
johnstuff = getoption("notebook,pencil,ruler,pen,eraser,binder,backpack", ",", getrandomnumber(1, 7));
var totalleft = marymoney + johnmoney - maryitem - johnitem;
var str = person1 + " has $" + marymoney + " and " + person2 + " had $" + johnmoney + ". " + person1 + " buys a " + marystuff + " for $" + maryitem + " and " + person2 + " buys a " + johnstuff + " for $" + johnitem + ". They have $" + totalleft + ".";
答案 0 :(得分:1)
//定义人员和项目列表 var people = ['Kritarth','Sharujan','Anveer','Krishna','Husnain','Iser','Ishan','Harman','Hemant','Harjot']; var items = ['notebook','pencil','ruler','pen','eraser','binder','backpack']; var cost = [20.00,8.00,11.00,15.00,5.00,35.00,100.00];
//获取唯一且随机的名称 function getList(list,amount){ var index = 0,selected = [];
while (amount-- > 0) {
index = getRandom(0, list.length - 1);
selected.push (list[index]);
// Remove the selected member from the list
list = list.slice(0, index).concat(list.slice(index + 1));
return selected;
//返回min和max之间的整数 function getRandom(min,max){ 返回Math.floor(min + Math.random()*(max - min + 1)); }
//显示结果 function showResults(){ var population = 2;
var everyone = getList(人,人口); var everything = getList(items,population);
var person = [];
//设置每个人的姓名,项目和金钱 for(var i = 0; i&lt; population; i ++){ person [i] = { 姓名:大家[i], item:一切[i], 成本:成本[items.indexOf(everything [i])], 钱:getRandom(50,100) } }
var totalleft = person [1] .money + person [0] .money - person [1] .cost - person [0] .cost;
var str = person[1].name + " has $" + person[1].money + " and " + person[0].name + " had $" + person[0].money + ". " +
person[1].name + " buys a " + person[1].item + " for $" + person[1].cost + " and " + person[0].name + " buys a " + person[0].item + " for $" + person[0].cost + ". " +
"They have $" + totalleft + " left.";
document.getElementById('output')。innerHTML = str; }
//最初由Misa Chan编码,由David.Refoua.me改进 showResults();