
时间:2016-04-16 05:04:03

标签: javascript html angularjs





<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Flapper News</title>

        <!-- BOOTSTRAP -->
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

        <!-- ANGULARJS -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src="app.js"></script>

        <style> .glyphicon-thumbs-up { cursor:pointer } </style>

    <body ng-app="flapperNews" style="padding: 50px">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">

        <!-- Inline home template -->
        <script type="text/ng-template" id="/home.html">
            <div class="page-header">
                <h1>Flapper News</h1>

            <!-- Show all the posts -->
            <div ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: '-upvotes'" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">

                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-2" style="width: 80px;">
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up" ng-click="incrementUpvotes(post)"></span>

                    <div class="col-md-9">
                        <span style="font-size:20px;">
                            <a ng-show="" href="{{}}">{{post.title}}</a>
                            <span ng-hide="">{{post.title}}</span>

                        <br />
                        <span style="font-size: 12px;"> 
                            <a href="#/posts/{{$index}}">Comments</a> l 
                            <a href="#/posts/{{$index}}">Share</a>

            <!-- Form to make new posts -->
            <form ng-submit="addPost()" style="margin-top:30px;">
                <h3>Add New Post</h3>

                <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Title" ng-model="title" />
                <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Link" ng-model="link" />

                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="submit">Post</button>

        <!-- Inline Posts section -->
        <script type="text/ng-template" id="/posts.html">

            <!-- Display title as header -->
            <div class="page-header">
                    <a ng-show="" href="{{}}">{{post.title}}</a>
                    <span ng-hide="">{{post.title}}</span>

            <!-- Display the comment -->
            <div ng-repeat="comment in post.comments | orderBy:'-upvotes'">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up" ng-click="incrementUpvotes(comment)"></span>
                {{comment.upvotes}} - by {{}}
                <span style="font-size:20px; margin-left:10px;">{{comment.body}}</span>


var app = angular.module('flapperNews', ['ui.router']);

app.factory('posts', [function() {
    var o = {
        posts: []

    return o;


    function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        .state('home', {
            url: '/home',
            templateUrl: '/home.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'

        .state('posts', {
            url: '/posts/{id}',
            templateUrl: '/posts.html',
            controller: 'PostsCtrl'


app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'posts', function($scope, posts) {
    $scope.posts = posts.posts;

    $scope.addPost = function() {
        if(!$scope.title || $scope.title === '') {

            title: $scope.title, 
            link: $,
            upvotes: 0,
            comments: [
                {author: 'Joe', body: 'Cool Post!', upvotes: 0},
                {author: 'Bob', body: 'Great idea but no!', upvotes: 0}

        $scope.title = '';
        $ = '';

    $scope.incrementUpvotes = function(post) {
        post.upvotes += 1;


app.controller('PostsCtrl', [
    function($scope, $stateParams, posts) {
        $scope.posts = posts.posts['$'];



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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

由于多个问题,您的代码无效: 1.您未idaddPosts()添加任何posts属性,但在访问posts.posts['$']时期望这一属性。

  1. 在评论模板中,当您在控制器中声明post时,您正在使用$scope.posts
  2. 我创建了一个jsbin来添加id属性并解决其他问题,现在就可以了。