答案 0 :(得分:1)
var source = $("#background-images img:first").attr("src");
$('#background-images img:first').appendTo($('#background-images'));
$('#fading-images-container').css('background', 'url('+ source +') no-repeat');
<div id="fading-images-container"> </div> <!-- this div will show the fading background images after picking them up from the background-images div -->
<div id="background-images"> <!-- hide this div in the CSS, it's only to hold the images-->
<img src="" alt="" />
<img src="" alt="" />
<img src="" alt="" />
<img src="" alt="" />
<img src="" alt="" />
<div id="fading-images">
<img src="img/home-1.jpg">
<img src="img/home-2.jpg">
<img src="img/home-3.jpg">
答案 1 :(得分:0)
将以下代码添加到html doc的头部:
<script language="javascript type="text/javascript">
/* ****************************
* updated for all browsers by
* Evan Neumann of Orbiting Eden on
* October 6, 2011.
* www.orbitingeden.com - evan@orbitingeden.com
* original version only worked for IE
/* ****************************
* this works by having the primary image in an <img> tag
* cycled once every [slideShowSpeed] milliseconds
* at the end of the cycle, the backgound image is advanced and
* the foreground image is stepped more transparent
* until the background image is fully exposed.
* finally, the foreground image is advanced and reset to 100% opaque
<!-- Begin
/* *****************************
* * editable by user
* ***************************/
var slideShowSpeed = 5000; // Set slideShowSpeed (milliseconds) shared by IE and other borwsers
var crossFadeDuration = 5; // Duration of crossfade (1/10 second) shared by IE and other borwsers
var crossFadeIncrement = .05; //crossfade step amount (1 is opaque) for non-IE browsers
// Specify the image files
var Pic = new Array(); // do not change this line
// to add more images, just continue the pattern, adding to the array below
Pic[0] = 'images/dare2wear-427ED-e.jpg';
Pic[1] = 'images/PBW_3238EDSM-e.jpg';
Pic[2] = 'images/dare2wear-441_2ED-e.jpg';
/* ********************************
* do not change anything below this line
var f = 0; //index of the foreground picture
var b = 1; //index of the background picture
var p = Pic.length; //number of pictures loaded and in queue - this may increase as time goes on depending on number and size of pictures and network speed
//load the picture url's into an image object array
//used to control download of images and for IE shortcut
var preLoad = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
preLoad[i] = new Image();
preLoad[i].src = Pic[i];
function runSlideShow() {//this is trigerred by <body onload="runSlideShow()" >
//if IE, use alternate method
if (document.all) {
//increment the foreground image source
document.images.SlideShow.src = preLoad[f].src;
//if IE, use the shortcut
if(document.all) {
//all other browser use opacity cycling
else {
var imageContainer = document.getElementById('imageContainer');
var image = document.images.SlideShow;
//convert an integer to a textual number for stylesheets
imageContainer.style.background = "url('"+Pic[b]+"')";
//set opacity to fully opaque (not transparent)
image.style.opacity = 1;
//run fade out function to expose background image
//increment picture index
//if you have reached the last picture, start agin at 0
if (f > (p - 1)) f = 0;
//set the background image index (b) to one advanced from foreground image
b = f+1;
//if b is greater than the number of pictures, reset to zero
if(b >= p) {b = 0;}
//recursively call this function again ad infinitum
setTimeout('runSlideShow()', slideShowSpeed);
function fadeOut(){
//convert to element
var el = document.images.SlideShow;
//decrement opacity by 1/20th or 5%
el.style.opacity = el.style.opacity - crossFadeIncrement;
//if we have gone below 5%, escape out to the next picture
if(el.style.opacity <= crossFadeIncrement) {
//wait 50 milliseconds then continue on to decrement another 5%
setTimeout('fadeOut()', crossFadeDuration*10);
<body onLoad="runSlideShow()">
<!-- this is the main image background and can be a div, td, fieldset or similar-->
<div id="imageContainer">
<!-- this is the main image foreground -->
<img id="SlideShow" name='SlideShow' width="240" height="320">