我试图从用户那里读取字符串以评估表达式。例如,我想计算((2-(8 * 9)) 1-4))。为了实现这一点,我将读取的数字的字符转换为它们所代表的实际数字,同时使用下面的代码将它们保存回字符串。当我在操作命令' - ()/'之间输入(0-9)的数字时,我的算法很有效。但是我需要在输入字符串中的多位数字时使其工作。例如,((20-(8 * 91))* 1-43))。我知道要转换的算法,让我们说3 1 4到314,但我的问题是,我怎样才能将它插回到我的字节串中,同时在下面的字符上保持相同的顺序?我尝试了很多方法,但无法让它发挥作用。提前谢谢
expression: .space 110 # to store string
stack: .space 110 # to help with operations
#______reading string from user
li $v0, 8
li $a1, 100
la $a0, expression
#___count number of characters in string
la $s0, expression #s0 = adress of string
li $t1, 0 #t1 = # characters
lb $t0, ($s0)
beq $t0, '\n', outcounter
addi $t1, $t1, 1
addi $s0, $s0, 1
j loopcounter
outcounter: #if you want to print the amount of characters in the string
#li $v0, 1
#move $a0, $t1
#__convert number characters into integers
la $s0, expression #s0 = adress of string
li $t0, 1 #t0 loop counter
lb $t2, ($s0) #t2 = ASCII of a digit
blt $t2, '0', skipCharConversion
bgt $t2, '9', skipCharConversion
subi $t2, $t2, 0x30 #t1 = the digit
sb $t2, ($s0)
addi $s0, $s0, 1
addi $t0, $t0, 1
ble $t0, $t1, loopStringtoNum #skip string to num loop