
时间:2010-09-07 11:34:27

标签: c# reflection

我使用反射从另一个dll调用一个方法。该方法将一个类对象作为输入。我怎么称呼这种方法。 我尝试将同一个类复制到两个dll,然后创建了该类的对象并传递它。它会在complie time本身中引发invliad转换错误。 然后我试着让函数将一个对象作为参数,然后尝试将它转换为所需的类。它在运行时抛出无效的强制转换异常。  这就是我试过的

            Test objTest = new Test("name","type");             
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("MyProject.Components");             
            Type dllType = assembly.GetType("MynameSpace.MyClass");
            if (dllType != null)
                MethodInfo m = dllType.GetMethod("MyFunction");
                object objdll;
                objdll = Activator.CreateInstance(dllType);
                object[] args = { objTest };
                if ((m != null))
                    strReturnValue += (string)m.Invoke(objdll, args);                        


public string MyFunction(Test obj)

我的问题是班级考试在   另一个集会(班级在   两个不同的组件)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





让我指出一些事情。如果程序集A中的代码对程序集B中的代码知之甚少,以便实例化MyClass并直接调用MyFunction(而不是通过反射),那么它如何充分了解该代码以了解要传递的参数? MyFunction是否具有程序集A理解的通用方法签名?如果是这种情况,那么MyClass应该实现程序集A知道的接口,以便程序集A可以直接调用MyFunction,如下所示:

        Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("MyProject.Components");
        Type dllType = assembly.GetType("MynameSpace.MyClass");
        if (dllType != null)
            IMyInterface instance = Activator.CreateInstance(dllType) as IMyInterface;
            if (instance != null) // check if this object actually implements the IMyInterface interface



// define a simple factory interface
public interface IFactory
    object CreateInstance();

// and a generic one (hey, why not?)
public interface IFactory<T> : IFactory
    new T CreateInstance();

// define a Factory attribute that will be used to identify the concrete implementation of a factory
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class FactoryAttribute : Attribute
    public Type FactoryType { get; set; }

    public FactoryAttribute(Type factoryType)
        this.FactoryType = factoryType;



public class Test
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Type { get; set; }

    public Test(string name, string type)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Type = type;

public class TestFactory : IFactory<Test>
    #region IFactory<Test> Members

    public Test CreateInstance()
        return new Test("name", "type");


    #region IFactory Members

    object IFactory.CreateInstance()
        return this.CreateInstance();


public class MyClass
    // the Factory attribute on the first parameter indicates that the class TestFactory
    // should be used as a factory object to construct the argument for this method
    public string MyFunction([Factory(typeof(TestFactory))]Test obj)
        if (obj == null)
            return null;
            return obj.ToString();


        Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("MyProject.Components");
        Type dllType = assembly.GetType("MynameSpace.MyClass");
        if (dllType != null)
            MethodInfo m = dllType.GetMethod("MyFunction");
            object objdll;
            objdll = Activator.CreateInstance(dllType);

            // use the parameter information to construct the arguments
            ParameterInfo[] parameters = m.GetParameters();
            object[] args;
            if (parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0)
                args = new object[parameters.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                    // check for factory attributes on the actual parameter
                    FactoryAttribute[] attributes = parameters[i].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FactoryAttribute), true) as FactoryAttribute[];

                    // if no attributes were found, check the parameter type for factory attributes
                    if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
                        attributes = parameters[i].ParameterType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FactoryAttribute), true) as FactoryAttribute[];

                    // if no attributes were found still, then give up
                    if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
                        // this parameter has no factory specified,
                        // so how would this code know how to create the argument for that parameter ???
                        args[i] = null;
                        continue; // move on to the next parameter

                    // there should only be one factory attribute, so use the first one
                    // assumption made here is that all factory classes will have a parameterless constructor
                    IFactory factory = Activator.CreateInstance(attributes[0].FactoryType) as IFactory;

                    args[i] = factory.CreateInstance();
                // there are no parameters
                args = null;

            if ((m != null))
                strReturnValue += (string)m.Invoke(objdll, args);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


object[] args = {typeof(typeneeded)};

object[] args = { assembly.GetType(typeneeded) };

答案 2 :(得分:0)


public Object Invoke(
    Object obj,
    Object[] parameters



void Main()
    string strReturnValue = "";
    Test objTest = new Test("name","type");             
    Type dllType = typeof(MyClass);
    if (dllType != null)
        MethodInfo m = dllType.GetMethod("MyFunction");
        object objdll;
        objdll = Activator.CreateInstance(dllType);
        object[] args = { objTest };
        if ((m != null))
            strReturnValue += (string)m.Invoke(objdll, args);                        

public class Test
    public Test(string s1, string s2)

public class MyClass
    public string MyFunction(Test t)
        return "";


Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(); //assembly of "Test"
Type testType = assembly.GetType("Test");
ConstructorInfo ci = testType.GetConstructor(
                              BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, 
                              new Type[]{typeof(string), typeof(string)}, 
Test objTest = ci.Invoke(new object[] { "name", "type" });
