
时间:2016-04-12 09:54:07

标签: php codeigniter csv


class Csvimport {

private $filepath = "";
private $handle = "";
private $column_headers = "";

 * Function that parses a CSV file and returns results
 * as an array.
 * @access  public
 * @param   filepath        string  Location of the CSV file
 * @param   column_headers  array   Alternate values that will be used for array keys instead of first line of CSV
 * @param   detect_line_endings  boolean  When true sets the php INI settings to allow script to detect line endings. Needed for CSV files created on Macs.
 * @return  array
public function get_array($filepath='', $column_headers='', $detect_line_endings=FALSE)
    // If true, auto detect row endings
        ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", TRUE);

    // If file exists, set filepath
        return FALSE;            

    // If column headers provided, set them

    // Open the CSV for reading

    $row = 0;

    while (($data = fgetcsv($this->handle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) 
        // If first row, parse for column_headers
        if($row == 0)
            // If column_headers already provided, use them
                foreach ($this->column_headers as $key => $value)
                    $column_headers[$key] = trim($value);
            else // Parse first row for column_headers to use
                foreach ($data as $key => $value)
                    $column_headers[$key] = trim($value);
            $new_row = $row - 1; // needed so that the returned array starts at 0 instead of 1
            foreach($column_headers as $key => $value) // assumes there are as many columns as their are title columns
                $result[$new_row][$value] = trim($data[$key]);


    return $result;

 * Sets the filepath of a given CSV file
 * @access  private
 * @param   filepath    string  Location of the CSV file
 * @return  void
private function _set_filepath($filepath)
    $this->filepath = $filepath;

 * Sets the alternate column headers that will be used when creating the array
 * @access  private
 * @param   column_headers  array   Alternate column_headers that will be used instead of first line of CSV
 * @return  void
private function _set_column_headers($column_headers='')
    if(is_array($column_headers) && !empty($column_headers))
        $this->column_headers = $column_headers;

 * Opens the CSV file for parsing
 * @access  private
 * @return  void
private function _get_handle()
    $this->handle = fopen($this->filepath, "r");

 * Closes the CSV file when complete
 * @access  private
 * @return  array
private function _close_csv()



public function importcsv() {
    $data['addressbook'] = $this->account_model->get_all();
    $data['error'] = '';    //initialize image upload error array to empty

    $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';
    $config['allowed_types'] = 'csv';
    $config['max_size'] = '10000';

    $this->load->library('upload', $config);

    // If upload failed, display error
    if (!$this->upload->do_upload()) {
        $data['error'] = $this->upload->display_errors();

        $this->load->view('tenant/import', $data);

    } else {
        $file_data = $this->upload->data();
        $file_path =  '../uploads/'.$file_data['file_name'];

        if ($this->csvimport->get_array($file_path)) {
            $csv_array = $this->csvimport->get_array($file_path);

            foreach ($csv_array as $row) {
                $insert_data = array(

            $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'Csv Data Imported Succesfully');

        } else 
            $data['error'] = "Error occured";



如果我在$ data上执行print_r,它会打印出错误,这意味着它会自动转到我的其他状态,文件被上传到上传文件夹,所以这意味着问题出现在第二个if声明,任何人都可以帮我确定第二个if语句出错的地方吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$file_path =  $file_data['full_path'];