第一次Visual Studio Cordova构建没有正确包含Android应用程序的插件

时间:2016-04-08 13:53:02

标签: cordova visual-studio-cordova taco

TLDR : Why aren't my Cordova plugins being installed in a clean Visual Studio build?

我有一个正在使用Visual Studio 2015开发的Cordova应用程序。我认为一切都很好,但是当Android版本是在TFS构建服务器上构建的时候,虽然没有错误但是生成的应用程序不包含已配置的插件。我认为这是构建服务器的问题,但现在能够在我的开发机器上重现它。


platforms文件夹不受版本控制,因此当执行构建服务器上的构建时,该文件夹将不存在,因此应该通过构建过程添加Android平台。为了复制这个,我在开发机器上删除了它。当我从Visual Studio运行第一个构建时,调试或发布没有任何区别,所有似乎都没问题。构建输出包含

1>  ------ Adding platform: android
1>  Executing "before_platform_add"  hook for all plugins.
1>  No version supplied. Retrieving version from config.xml...
1>  Adding android project...
1>  Failed to require PlatformApi instance for platform "android". Using polyfill instead.
1>  Running command: cmd "/s /c "C:\Users\XXXX\.cordova\lib\npm_cache\cordova-android\4.1.1\package\bin\create.bat "D:\ZZZZ\My App\platforms\android" uk.co.domain.myapp "My App" --cli""
1>  Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:
1>      Path: platforms\android
1>      Package: uk.co.domain.myapp
1>      Name: My App
1>      Activity: MainActivity
1>      Android target: android-22
1>  Copying template files...
1>  Android project created with cordova-android@4.1.1
1>  Command finished with error code 0: cmd /s /c "C:\Users\XXXX\.cordova\lib\npm_cache\cordova-android\4.1.1\package\bin\create.bat "D:\ZZZZ\My App\platforms\android" uk.co.domain.myapp "My App" --cli"



1>  ------ Platform android already exists
1>  ------ Copying native files from D:\ZZZZ\My App\res\native\android to platforms\android
1>  ------ Copied D:\ZZZZ\My App\res\native\android\ant.properties to platforms\android\ant.properties
1>  ------ Done copying native files to platforms\android
1>  ------ Updating plugins
1>  ------ Currently installed plugins: cordova-plugin-file@4.1.0,cordova-plugin-file-opener2@2.0.2,cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.5.0,cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.2.1
1>  ------ Currently installed dependent plugins:
1>  ------ Currently configured plugins:



%appdata%\npm\node_modules\vs-tac\node_modules\cordova\5.4.1\node_modules\.bin\cordova build android
Error: No platforms added to this project. Please use `cordova platform add <platform>`.


%appdata%\npm\node_modules\vs-tac\node_modules\cordova\5.4.1\node_modules\.bin\cordova platform add android
Adding android project...
Running command: cmd "/s /c "C:\Users\XXXX\.cordova\lib\npm_cache\cordova-android\4.1.1\package\bin\create.bat "D:\ZZZZ\My App\platforms\android" uk.co.domain.myapp "My App" --cli""
Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:
    Path: platforms\android
    Package: uk.co.domain.myapp
    Name: My App
    Activity: MainActivity
    Android target: android-22
Copying template files...
Android project created with cordova-android@4.1.1
Finished executing "before_prepare" hook for android
Installing "cordova-plugin-file" for android

The Android Persistent storage location now defaults to "Internal". Please check this plugins README to see if you application needs any changes in its config.xml.

If this is a new application no changes are required.

If this is an update to an existing application that did not specify an "AndroidPersistentFileLocation" you may need to add:

  "<preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />"

to config.xml in order for the application to find previously stored files.

Installing "cordova-plugin-file-opener2" for android
Installing "cordova-plugin-file-transfer" for android
Dependent plugin "cordova-plugin-file" already installed on android.
Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for android

           This plugin is only applicable for versions of cordova-android greater than 4.0. If you have a previous platform version, you do *not* need this plugin since the whitelist will be built in.

如果我现在在Visual Studio中构建它,插件会正确添加到应用程序中。因此,基于输出的差异,似乎当Visual Studio添加平台时,它没有正确添加插件。


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