我目前正在努力解决一个问题,目前我还没有找到任何解决方法。 (我正在使用NEO4J C#库)
我需要将两个节点合并为第三个节点,并将这两个节点中的所有关系(Type& Properties)复制到我新创建的第三个节点:
using (GraphClient graphClient = GetGraphClient())
var inputString = string.Format("({0}:{1})-[r]->(n), ({2}:{3})", "a", typeof(Label).Name, "b", typeof(Label).Name);
var query = graphClient.Cypher
.Where((Label a) => a.Id == from.Id)
.AndWhere((Label b) => b.Id == to.Id)
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Update, i've found a way to copy all relationships from one node to another using C# wrapper.
internal static void DuplicateRelationships<T>(T from, T to) where T : IDataObject
string aVariable = "a";
string bVariable = "b";
string nVariable = "n";
string relationVariable = "r";
string newRelation = "r2";
string relationsVariable = "rels";
string relationPostCollectVariable = "rel";
Guid fromId = from.Id;
Guid toId = to.Id;
foreach (string relation in CypherVerbs.GetAllVerbs())
using (GraphClient graphClient = GetGraphClient())
.Match(string.Format("({0}:{1})-[{2}:{3}]->({4}), ({5}:{6})", aVariable, from.GetType().Name, relationVariable, relation, nVariable, bVariable, to.GetType().Name))
.Where((T a) => a.Id == fromId)
.AndWhere((T b) => b.Id == toId)
.With(string.Format("COLLECT({0}) AS {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", relationVariable, relationsVariable, aVariable, bVariable, nVariable))
.ForEach(string.Format("({0} in {1} | ", relationPostCollectVariable, relationsVariable))
.Create(string.Format("({0})-[{1}:{2}]->({3})", bVariable, newRelation, relation, nVariable))
.Set(string.Format("{0} += {1})", newRelation, relationPostCollectVariable))
.Match(string.Format("({0}:{1})<-[{2}:{3}]-({4}), ({5}:{6})", aVariable, from.GetType().Name, relationVariable, relation, nVariable, bVariable, to.GetType().Name))
.Where((T a) => a.Id == fromId)
.AndWhere((T b) => b.Id == toId)
.With(string.Format("COLLECT({0}) AS {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", relationVariable, relationsVariable, aVariable, bVariable, nVariable))
.ForEach(string.Format("({0} IN {1} | ", relationPostCollectVariable, relationsVariable))
.Create(string.Format("({0})<-[{1}:{2}]-({3})", bVariable, newRelation, relation, nVariable))
.Set(string.Format("{0} += {1})", newRelation, relationPostCollectVariable))
Here is the cypher code:
MATCH (a:Test {props1:"1"}), (b:Test {props3:"3"})
WITH a,b
MATCH (a)-[r:LINKED_TO]->(c)
WITH COLLECT(r) AS rels, a, b, c
FOREACH (rel in rels |
CREATE (b)-[r:LINKED_TO]->(c)
SET r+=rel
EDIT: Since Neo4j 3.0 you can use stored procedure to execute this more efficiently, Michael Hunger developed several template stored procedure including the copy all relationships from one node to another procedure.
Here is the link to the stored procedure repository: https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures
Here is the link to the documentation for graph refactoring: https://neo4j-contrib.github.io/neo4j-apoc-procedures/#_graph_refactoring
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