我使用Proteus软件和I2C与DS1307 RTC。我想要做的是将时间和日期存储到变量中,并通过监视窗口查看。我认为我已经以一种良好而有条理的方式完成了这项工作(对于我的技能水平),但问题是,如果我把所有延迟都解决了,它就不会起作用。
编辑:忘了说我使用Atmega328p,外部时钟为16MHz,未编程除以8. PCB封装为SPDIL28。
#define F_CPU 16000000
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "I2C.h"
#include "ds1307.h"
void Wait()
uint8_t i;
char ss[3], mm[3], hh[3], dd[3], nn[3], yy[3], x[2]; // Appropriately labeled variables
uint8_t data; // Now Read and format time
void main()
I2CInit(); // Initialize i2c Bus
DS1307Write(0x07,0x10); // Blink output at 1Hz
// PORTB|=((1<<PB2)|(1<<PB1)|(1<<PB0)); //Enable Pull ups on keys
DS1307Read(0x00,&data); // Read seconds address
ss[2]='\0'; // Cap end of seconds string
ss[1]=48+(data & 0b00001111); // The 4 seconds bits into the first seconds digit
ss[0]=48+((data & 0b01110000)>>4); // The 3 seconds bits into the last seconds digit
DS1307Read(0x01,&data); // Read minutes address
mm[2]='\0'; // Cap end of minutes string
mm[1]=48+(data & 0b00001111); // The 4 minutes bits into the first minutes digit
mm[0]=48+((data & 0b01110000)>>4); // The 3 minutes bits into the last minutes digit
/* HOURS */
DS1307Read(0x02,&data); // Read hours address
hh[2]='\0'; // Cap end of hours string
hh[1]=48+(data & 0b00001111); // The 4 hours bits into the first hours digit
hh[0]=48+((data & 0b00110000)>>4); // The 3 hours bits into the last hours digit
/* DAY */
DS1307Read(0x04,&data); // Read hours address
dd[2]='\0'; // Cap end of hours string
dd[1]=48+(data & 0b00001111); // The 4 hours bits into the first hours digit
dd[0]=48+((data & 0b00110000)>>4); // The 3 hours bits into the last hours digit
/* MONTH */
DS1307Read(0x05,&data); // Read hours address
nn[2]='\0'; // Cap end of hours string
nn[1]=48+(data & 0b00001111); // The 4 hours bits into the first hours digit
nn[0]=48+((data & 0b00010000)>>4); // The 3 hours bits into the last hours digit
/* YEAR */
DS1307Read(0x06,&data); // Read hours address
yy[2]='\0'; // Cap end of hours string
yy[1]=48+(data & 0b00001111); // The 4 hours bits into the first hours digit
yy[0]=48+((data & 0b11110000)>>4); // The 3 hours bits into the last hours digit