I have a simple graph database of people and projects. The only relations are who worked on what projects. How can I find and graph the project collaborations between people?
I'm hoping to end up with a graph of just people, with connecting lines for collaborations.
I tried this query, but it only returns nodes, not relations:
MATCH (valjean:person {person_id: "24601"})-[:WORKED_ON]->(project)<-[:WORKED_ON]-(collaborators)
RETURN valjean, collaborators;
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You need to add a variable to the relation, and return it - like so:
MATCH (valjean:person {person_id: "24601"})-[r1:WORKED_ON]->(project)<-[r2:WORKED_ON]-(collaborators)
RETURN valjean, r1, r2, collaborators;
I added "r1" and "r2" to report the relations as well as the nodes.
Here's another way to do the same thing:
MATCH (valjean:person {person_id: "24601"})-[r1:WORKED_ON]->(project)
MATCH (collaborators:person)-[r2:WORKED_ON]->(project)
RETURN valjean, r1, r2, collaborators;
Using the "movie" example, here's how to find everybody else that was part of a movie project other than Halle Berry:
match (p1:Person {name: "Halle Berry"})-[r]-(m:Movie {title: "Cloud Atlas"})
match (m)-[p]-(p2:Person)
where p1 <> p2
return m, p, p2
If the objective is to get the result in a "report" format, this'll give you what you're looking for - it won't give you a graph though.
match (p1:Person {name: "Halle Berry"})-[r]-(m:Movie {title: "Cloud Atlas"})
match (m)-[p]-(p2:Person)
where p1 <> p2
return p1, "WORKED_WITH", p2