我需要将酷旋转木马整合到我的网站上。但我需要使用左右导航激活自动滚动。但是目前当我激活自动滚动功能时没有延迟,然后左右导航被禁用。它不起作用。那么如何在没有延迟的情况下使用自动滚动功能集成左右导航功能。或者建议我使用这个功能的旋转木马。 现在我做了一个代码来完成这个动作强制覆盖,但在那个权利正在工作但左箭头导航不是在woking。我在这里附上我的代码
var $imgWidth1 = $('#carousel1 .car-div').first().outerWidth();
var $imgCount1 = $('#carousel1 .car-div').length;
$('#carousel1').css({'left':-1*$imgWidth1+'px'});//reset the slider so the first image is still visible
$('#carousel1').stop(true,true); //complete any animation still running - in case anyone's a bit click happy...
var $newLeft1 = $('#carousel1').position().left-(1*$imgWidth1);//calculate the new position which is the current position minus the width of one image
$('#carousel1').animate({'left':$newLeft1+'px'},function(){//slide to the new position...
if (Math.abs($newLeft1) == (($imgCount1+1)*$imgWidth1)) //...and if the slider is displaying the last image, which is the clone of the first image...
$('#carousel1').css({'left':-1*$imgWidth1+'px'});//...reset the slider back to the first image without animating
return false;
$('#carousel1').stop(); //complete any animation still running
var $newLeft1 = $('#carousel1').position().left+(1*$imgWidth1);//calculate the new position which is the current position plus the width of one image
$('#carousel1').animate({'left':$newLeft1+'px'},function(){//slide to the new position
if (Math.abs($newLeft1) == (($imgCount1+1)*$imgWidth1)) //if the slider is displaying the first image, which is the clone of the last image
$('#carousel1').css({'left':-($imgCount1)*$imgWidth1+'px'});//reset the slider back to the last image without animating
return false;