
时间:2016-03-29 20:58:53

标签: logging netlogo


; global variables used
  open ; the open list of patches
  closed ; the closed list of patches
  optimal-path ; the optimal path, list of patches from source to destination

; patch variables used
  parent-patch ; patch's predecessor
  f ; the value of knowledge plus heuristic cost function f()
  g ; the value of knowledge cost function g()
  h ; the value of heuristic cost function h()

; turtle variables used
  path ; the optimal path from source to destination
  current-path ; part of the path that is left to be traversed

; setup the world
to Setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  __clear-all-and-reset-ticks ;; clear everything (the view and all the variables)

; create the source and destination at two random locations on the view
to create-source-and-destination
  ask one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
    set pcolor blue
    set plabel "source"
    sprout 1
      set color red
  ask one-of patches with [pcolor = black]
    set pcolor green
    set plabel "destination"

; draw the selected maze elements on the view
to draw
  if mouse-inside?
      ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        sprout 1
          set shape "square"

      ;draw obstacles
      if Select-element = "obstacles"
        if mouse-down?
          if [pcolor] of patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor = black or [pcolor] of patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor = brown or [pcolor] of patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor = yellow
            ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
              set pcolor white

      ;erase obstacles
      if Select-element = "erase obstacles"
        if mouse-down?
          if [pcolor] of patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor = white
            ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
              set pcolor black

      ;draw source patch
      if Select-element = "source"
        if mouse-down?
          let m-xcor mouse-xcor
          let m-ycor mouse-ycor
          if [plabel] of patch m-xcor m-ycor != "destination"
            ask patches with [plabel = "source"]
              set pcolor black
              set plabel ""
            ask turtles
            ask patch m-xcor m-ycor
              set pcolor blue
              set plabel "source"
              sprout 1
                set color red

      ;draw destination patch
      if Select-element = "destination"
          if mouse-down?
              let m-xcor mouse-xcor
              let m-ycor mouse-ycor

              if [plabel] of patch m-xcor m-ycor != "source"
                ask patches with [plabel = "destination"]
                  set pcolor black
                  set plabel ""
                ask patch m-xcor m-ycor
                  set pcolor green
                  set plabel "destination"

; call the path finding procedure, update the turtle (agent) variables, output text box
; and make the agent move to the destination via the path found
to find-shortest-path-to-destination
  ask one-of turtles
    move-to one-of patches with [plabel = "source"]
    set path find-a-path one-of patches with [plabel = "source"] one-of patches with [plabel = "destination"]
    set optimal-path path
    set current-path path
  output-show (word "Shortest path length : " length optimal-path)

; the actual implementation of the A* path finding algorithm
; it takes the source and destination patches as inputs
; and reports the optimal path if one exists between them as output
to-report find-a-path [ source-patch destination-patch]

  ; initialize all variables to default values
  let search-done? false
  let search-path []
  let current-patch 0
  set open []
  set closed []

  ; add source patch in the open list
  set open lput source-patch open

  ; loop until we reach the destination or the open list becomes empty
  while [ search-done? != true]
    ifelse length open != 0
      ; sort the patches in open list in increasing order of their f() values
      set open sort-by [[f] of ?1 < [f] of ?2] open

      ; take the first patch in the open list
      ; as the current patch (which is currently being explored (n))
      ; and remove it from the open list
      set current-patch item 0 open
      set open remove-item 0 open

      ; add the current patch to the closed list
      set closed lput current-patch closed

      ; explore the Von Neumann (left, right, top and bottom) neighbors of the current patch
      ask current-patch
        ; if any of the neighbors is the destination stop the search process
        ifelse any? neighbors4 with [ (pxcor = [ pxcor ] of destination-patch) and (pycor = [pycor] of destination-patch)]
          set search-done? true
          ; the neighbors should not be obstacles or already explored patches (part of the closed list)
          ask neighbors4 with [ pcolor != white and (not member? self closed) and (self != parent-patch) ]
            ; the neighbors to be explored should also not be the source or
            ; destination patches or already a part of the open list (unexplored patches list)
            if not member? self open and self != source-patch and self != destination-patch
              ;set pcolor 45

              ; add the eligible patch to the open list
              set open lput self open

              ; update the path finding variables of the eligible patch
              set parent-patch current-patch
              set g [g] of parent-patch  + 1
              set h distance destination-patch
              set f (g + h)
        if self != source-patch
          ;set pcolor 35
      ; if a path is not found (search is incomplete) and the open list is exhausted
      ; display a user message and report an empty search path list.
      user-message( "A path from the source to the destination does not exist." )
      report []

  ; if a path is found (search completed) add the current patch
  ; (node adjacent to the destination) to the search path.
  set search-path lput current-patch search-path

  ; trace the search path from the current patch
  ; all the way to the source patch using the parent patch
  ; variable which was set during the search for every patch that was explored
  let temp first search-path
  while [ temp != source-patch ]
    ask temp
      set pcolor 85
    set search-path lput [parent-patch] of temp search-path
    set temp [parent-patch] of temp

  ; add the destination patch to the front of the search path
  set search-path fput destination-patch search-path

  ; reverse the search path so that it starts from a patch adjacent to the
  ; source patch and ends at the destination patch
  set search-path reverse search-path

  ; report the search path
  report search-path

; make the turtle traverse (move through) the path all the way to the destination patch
to move
  ask one-of turtles
    while [length current-path != 0]
      wait 0.05
    if length current-path = 0

to go-to-next-patch-in-current-path
  face first current-path
  repeat 10
    fd 0.1
  move-to first current-path
  if [plabel] of patch-here != "source" and  [plabel] of patch-here != "destination"
    ask patch-here
      set pcolor black
  set current-path remove-item 0 current-path

; clear the view of everything but the source and destination patches
to clear-view
  ask patches with[ plabel != "source" and plabel != "destination" ]
    set pcolor black

; load a maze from the file system
to load-maze [ maze ]
  if maze != false
    ifelse (item (length maze - 1) maze = "g" and item (length maze - 2) maze = "n" and item (length maze - 3) maze = "p" and item (length maze - 4) maze = ".")
      save-maze "temp.png"
      ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
      import-pcolors maze
      ifelse count patches with [pcolor = blue] = 1 and count patches with [pcolor = green] = 1
        ask patches
          set plabel ""
        ask turtles
        ask one-of patches with [pcolor = blue]
          set plabel "source"
          sprout 1
            set color red
        ask one-of patches with [pcolor = green]
          set plabel "destination"
        ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
        user-message "The selected image is not a valid maze."
        load-maze "temp.png"
      user-message "The selected file is not a valid image."

; save a maze as a PNG image into the system
to save-maze [filename]
  if any? patches with [pcolor != black]
    export-view (filename)

; clear the view of everything but the obstacles, source and destination patches
; so that the view can be saved as a PNG image
to clear-unwanted-elements
  if any? patches with [pcolor = brown or pcolor = yellow  ]
    ask patches with [pcolor = brown or pcolor = yellow  ]
      set pcolor black
  if any? patches with [pcolor = blue]
    ask one-of patches with [pcolor = blue]
      set plabel ""
  if any? patches with [pcolor = green]
    ask one-of patches with [pcolor = green]
      set plabel ""
  ask turtles

; re-label the source and destination patches ones
; the maze image file has been saved
to restore-labels
  ask one-of patches with [pcolor = blue]
    set plabel "source"
    sprout 1
      set color red
  ask one-of patches with [pcolor = green]
    set plabel "destination"

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