
时间:2016-03-29 19:26:25

标签: lambda java-8



wsadmin.sh -lang jython -c "print AdminControl.queryNames ('name=WebContainer,process=server1,platform=dynamicproxy,node=node1,version=,type=ThreadPool').splitlines()"



public class BytecodeCacheService {

    public final static class CachePlacer{
        public final static BytecodeCacheService _instance = new BytecodeCacheService();    

    private static ICache _cacheInstance = null ;
        _cacheInstance = new GlobalCache();
        System.out.println("Init "+_cacheInstance);


    private BytecodeCacheService(){
        _logger.debug("Start Bytecode Cache Service");

public static BytecodeCacheService get(){
    return CachePlacer._instance;
    public static void main(String[] args){
        ICache cache = new GlobalCache();

class GlobalCache implements ICache{

    private ConcurrentMap<IGraphNode, BytecodeResource> _map = new ConcurrentHashMap<IGraphNode, BytecodeResource>();

    //Customize below values via annotation (xml configurtion or others)
    private final int MAX_ENTITES = Config.CACHE_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE;  // The maximal entities allowed in the GlobalCache (This is in theory).
    private final float _ratio = Config.CACHE_GLOBAL_CACHE_RATIO;   // Each purge removes (1-_ratios)*entities. 

    ScheduledExecutorService exec = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1,  new ThreadFactory(){
        final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(1);

        public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
            Thread thread  = new Thread();
            thread.setName("GLobalCache: purge "+count.getAndIncrement());
            return thread;


    public GlobalCache(){
        System.out.println("init 1...");
   line 171: exec.scheduleAtFixedRate(()->{      
            //@TODO the future developer can think up better purge policy. Here I only use a simple NON-STRICT Longest un-used first. 
//          if(_map.size() > MAX_ENTITES*_ratio){
//              int len = (int) (MAX_ENTITES*(1-_ratio));
//              while(len>0){
//                  IGraphNode longest = null;
//                  long max=-1;
//                  Iterator<IGraphNode> iter = _map.keySet().iterator();
//                  //It is NON-Strict because during iteration the BytecodeClass in global Cache might be updated. 
//                  while(iter.hasNext()){
//                      IGraphNode node = iter.next();
//                      BytecodeResource resource = _map.get(node);
//                      if(longest == null || max < resource.getLife()){
//                          longest = node;
//                          max = _map.get(longest).getLife();
//                      }
//                  }
//                  if(longest!=null)
//                      _map.remove(longest);
//              }
//              len--;
//          }

        }, 1, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        System.out.println("init 2...");


init 1...
init 2...
Init code.jit.asm.services.GlobalCache@5518e919
init 1...
init 2...

第171行是班级init 1... 29/Mar/2016:16:19:03:347 -0300 [main] DEBUG c.j.a.services.BytecodeCacheService - Start Bytecode Cache Service java.lang.invoke.ConstantObjectHandle J9VMInternals.java:137:in `ensureError': java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError from J9VMInternals.java:126:in `recordInitializationFailure' from BytecodeGenerator.java:59:in `action' from BytecodeGenerator.java:333:in `run' from BytecodeGenerator.java:328:in `generate' from CallSite.java:137:in `jitMethodHandle' from MutableCallSite.java:61:in `<init>' from SwitchPoint.java:135:in `<init>' from FailoverSwitchPointInvalidator.java:34:in `<clinit>' from OptoFactory.java:72:in `newGlobalInvalidator' from Ruby.java:5047:in `<init>' from Ruby.java:329:in `newInstance' from Main.java:272:in `internalRun' from Main.java:231:in `run' from Main.java:200:in `main' Caused by: BytecodeCacheService.java:171:in `<init>': java.lang.NullPointerException from BytecodeCacheService.java:40:in `<clinit>' from BytecodeGenerator.java:59:in `action' from BytecodeGenerator.java:333:in `run' from BytecodeGenerator.java:328:in `generate' from CallSite.java:137:in `jitMethodHandle' from MutableCallSite.java:61:in `<init>' from SwitchPoint.java:135:in `<init>' from FailoverSwitchPointInvalidator.java:34:in `<clinit>' from OptoFactory.java:72:in `newGlobalInvalidator' from Ruby.java:5047:in `<init>' from Ruby.java:329:in `newInstance' from Main.java:272:in `internalRun' from Main.java:231:in `run' from Main.java:200:in `main' 中的exec.scheduleAtFixedRate({}->{}..)。我调试它,并在此方法调用中抛出异常。

我使用lambda函数的方式是否有任何错误(我目前对这部分不熟悉)?谁能解释1)和2)之间的不同结果?我在这里使用Java 8和J9 JVM。

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