Weblogic 12cR2 Nodemanager本机库无法在mac os x上运行

时间:2016-03-28 05:36:41

标签: java macos weblogic native

enter image description here http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/wls/NODEM/java_nodemgr.htm#NODEM178

Oracle官方文档Stated(Mac OS x上的weblogic 12cR2):


A value of true causes native libraries for the operating system to be used.

For UNIX systems other than Solaris or Linux, set this property to false to run Node Manager in non-native mode. This will cause Node Manager to use the start script specified by the weblogic.StartScriptEnabled property to start Managed Servers.

Note that when NativeVersionEnabled=false:

Node Manager cannot query if a PID is alive nor kill a particular process

Node Manager does not have the ability to determine if there are existing processes that need to be monitored and crash recovery is not fully implemented

nmKill is not supported when NativeVersionEnabled=false and weblogic.StartScriptEnabled=true

如果我将此值设置为false,则节点管理器可以启动并运行,但在Mac OS x上运行weblogic 12cR2时会导致严重问题,因为NodeManager无法正确管理托管服务器。


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Oracle为Windows,Solaris,Linux on Intel,Linux on Z-Series和AIX操作系统提供本机节点管理器库。
