
时间:2016-03-20 18:54:58

标签: c++


string byName() {
    string acidName;
    string answerString;
    float acidWeight;

    cout << "Give me the name of the acid and I'll give you the weight." << endl;
    getline(cin, acidName);

    cout << endl << endl;

    if (acidName == "valine") {

        acidWeight = 117.1469;


    else {

        cout << "This doesn't appear to be valid." << endl;


    answerString = "The weight of " + acidName + "is " + acidWeight + "per mole";

    return answerString;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



这是数据类型错误。 acidWeight的类型为floatoperator+()获取float参数没有重载。


std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "The weight of " << acidName << "is " << acidWeight << "per mole";
answerString = oss.str();

答案 1 :(得分:0)

更正:我在错误的观念下工作,你不能在某些c ++标准中使用const char *作为运算符+()操作数和字符串。我已相应地改变了我的答案。


因此,我猜你可能会说你导致数据类型错误,因为你试图使用一个对于预期数据类型不存在的函数(const char *)。

使用现代C ++,您应该使用<sstream>中的字符串流来动态组合字符串。


std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Hi" << " again" << someVariable << ".";
std::string myString = ss.str();
const char *anotherExample = myString.c_str();

答案 2 :(得分:0)


string byName() {
    string acidName;
    string answerString;
    string acidWeight; //changed from float to string

    cout << "Give me the name of the acid and I'll give you the weight." <<     endl;
    getline(cin, acidName);

    cout << endl << endl;

    if (acidName == "valine") {

        acidWeight = "117.1469"; //make this as string


    else {

        cout << "This doesn't appear to be valid." << endl;


    answerString = "The weight of " + acidName + "is " + acidWeight + "per mole";

    return answerString;
