我尝试做的是......定义我旅程的起点和终点,尝试定义commonStop,这样我就可以使用if / else语句来定义我的旅程的一部分......但是我被困了...因为数组的beign数组,我不确定我使用的语法..有没有办法改进这段代码?让它更具可读性和复杂性?
line1 = ['Times Square', '34th', '28th', '23rd', 'Union Square', '8th'];
line2 = ['6th', 'Union Square', '3rd', '1st'];
line3 = ['Grand Central', '33rd', 'Union Square' , 'Astor Place'];
var allLines = [line1, line2, line3];
// Ask the user for the start point and start line; end point and endline.
// var startLine = prompt ('Which line is your start?');
// var startPoint = prompt('Where you are getting on at?');
// var endPoint = prompt ('Where do you wanna get of at?');
// var endLine = prompt('Which line is that?');
var startLine = 'line2';
var startPoint = '6th';
var endPoint = '1st';
var endLine = line2;
// commonstop1 = allLines[0][4];
// commonstop2 = allLines[1][1];
// commonstop3 = allLines[2][2];
//if my startline is equal to my end line, my journey can proceed
//else I need to stop.
var ptJourney = function (startPoint, endPoint) {
if (startLine === endLine) {
console.log('Your journey goes from ' + startPoint + ' to ' + endPoint + ' without changing line!');
else {
console.log('You need to change line at Union Square!');
function findStart(array, startPoint) {
for(var i = 0; i < allLines.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j < allLines.length[i]; j++){
if(allLines[i][j].name === startPoint) {
var startIndex = allLines.indexOf([i][j]);
return -1;
function findEnd(array, endPoint) {
for(var k = 0; k< allLines.length; k++) {
for(var l = 0; l < allLines.length[k]; l++) {
if(allLines[i][j].name === endPoint) {
var endIndex = allLines.indexOf[k][l];
return(endIndex) ;
return -1;
//Need to review
var partOne = function(startPoint, stop) {
var commonStopIndex = allLines.indexOf('UnionSquare');
for (i = 0 ; i <= commonStopIndex ; i++) {
var tripOne = [allLines.slice(startPoint, commonStopIndex)];
console.log (tripOne);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// Create an array of lines.
var lines = ['line1', 'line2', 'line3'];
// Create a two dimensional arrat of the station names.
var stations = [['Times Square', '34th', '28th', '23rd', 'Union Square', '8th'],
['6th', 'Union Square', '3rd', '1st'],
['Grand Central', '33rd', 'Union Square' , 'Astor Place']];
// Setup the other variables
var getStrLn, getStrPnt, getEndLn, getEndPnt, setStrLn, setStrPnt, setEndLn, setEndPnt;
// Create a series of window promts to collect and store user input.
getStrLn = prompt('What line are you starting at?');
// Get the index positions for the line so it can be used in the next prompt.
setStrLn = lines.indexOf(getStrLn);
getStrPnt = prompt('What station are you going to on line ' +lines[setStrLn]+ '?');
getEndLn = prompt('What line are you going to end at?');
// Get the index positions for the line so it can be used in the next prompt.
setEndLn = lines.indexOf(getEndLn);
getEndPnt = prompt('What station are you going to end at on line ' +lines[setEndLn]+ '?');
// Get the index positions of the station that is entered.
setStrPnt = stations[setStrLn].indexOf(getStrPnt);
setEndPnt = stations[setEndLn].indexOf(getEndPnt);
// Alert the results.
alert('Your starting line is ' +lines[setStrLn]+ ' and your station is ' +stations[setStrLn][setStrPnt]+ '.\n Your ending line is ' +lines[setEndLn]+ ' and your ending station is ' +stations[setEndLn][setEndPnt]+ '.');