$rows = $result->num_rows; // Find total rows returned by database
if($rows > 0) {
$cols = 3; // Define number of columns
$counter = 1; // Counter used to identify if we need to start or end a row
$nbsp = $cols - ($rows % $cols); // Calculate the number of blank columns
$container_class = 'container-fluid'; // Parent container class name
$row_class = 'row'; // Row class name
$col_class = 'col-sm-4'; // Column class name
echo '<div class="'.$container_class.'">'; // Container open
while ($item = $result->fetch_array()) {
if(($counter % $cols) == 1) { // Check if it's new row
echo '<div class="'.$row_class.'">'; // Start a new row
$jdesc = $item['jdesc'];
echo ('<div class="'.$col_class.'">'.'<h3>'.'<a href="showjob?jid=' . $jid . ' ">' .$jobtitle . '</a>' .'</br>'.$jdesc.'<br/>'.$duration.'</h3>'.'<h5>'.$item['name'].'</h5></div>');
if(($counter % $cols) == 0) { // If it's last column in each row then counter remainder will be zero
echo '</div>'; // Close the row
$counter++; // Increase the counter
if($nbsp > 0) { // Adjustment to add unused column in last row if they exist
for ($i = 0; $i < $nbsp; $i++) {
echo '<div class="'.$col_class.'"> </div>';
echo '</div>'; // Close the row
echo '</div>'; // Close the container
它是创建数据库连接并且还给出了结果但是结果我希望将参数发送到其他模块以显示结果如何将参数从一个模块发送到另一个模块, 最后,我想在点击链接
时将id值输入另一个模块答案 0 :(得分:0)