如何检查是否有任何ItemListener添加到Hazelcast IQueue

时间:2016-03-15 13:49:36

标签: java caching hazelcast

从实例A开始,我创建了一个q1IQueue)也添加了ItemListener。现在从Instace B我需要检查,是否有任何ItemListener添加到同一队列。如果没有则需要添加。





When admin configure an item for flashsale:我们将为该项创建队列(IQueue)并将一个ItemListener绑定到它

item Queue role: - 当用户购买n个数量的项目时,我们会在该队列中添加n个标志。

ItemListener role: - 在itemAdded上,我们将比较可用的库存和队列大小,如果队列大小达到可用库存,则使物料缺货。

goal :-应用程序节点上应该有一个ItemListener个特定项目

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import com.hazelcast.core.*;
import java.util.UUID;

public class OneListenerPerQueue {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create Hazelcast instance
        HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

        // Add a basic distributed object listener
        hz.addDistributedObjectListener(new QueueListener(hz));

        // Create 100 unique queues
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            String uniqueQueue = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    private static class QueueListener
            implements DistributedObjectListener {

        private final PartitionService partitionService;

        private QueueListener(HazelcastInstance hz) {
            this.partitionService = hz.getPartitionService();

        public void distributedObjectCreated(DistributedObjectEvent distributedObjectEvent) {
            // DistirbutedObject from the event
            DistributedObject distObj = distributedObjectEvent.getDistributedObject();

            // If queue ask PartitionService if the name is assigned to the local member
            if (distObj instanceof IQueue) {
                Partition partition = partitionService.getPartition(distObj.getName());
                if (partition.getOwner().localMember()) {
                    // If local than add our ItemListener
                    ((IQueue) distObj).addItemListener(new MyItemListener(), true);

        public void distributedObjectDestroyed(DistributedObjectEvent distributedObjectEvent) {

    private static class MyItemListener implements ItemListener<String> {

        public void itemAdded(ItemEvent<String> itemEvent) {

        public void itemRemoved(ItemEvent<String> itemEvent) {