我试过添加一个Do / While循环,然后我尝试了一个If语句,但我似乎无法让它工作。
我正在尝试确定用户是否进行了三次猜测,并在userGuess提示符下点击取消..然后它会返回一个警报(&#34;你是一只鸡&#34;); < / p>
//declare variables
var sportsArray = new Array("Football", "Basketball", "Rollerblading", "Hiking", "Biking", "Swimming");
var name = "";
var score = 0;
var loops = 0;
// prompts for user name, checks for input.
do {
name = prompt("Enter your first name", "");
while (name == "");
for (loops = 1;loops <=3; loops++) {
var sGuess = prompt("Enter a sport guess", "");
// uses substrings to ultimately capitalize the 1st letter, and make everything after it lowerCase.
var sFirstPart = sGuess.substr(0, 1);
var sFirstCap = sFirstPart.toUpperCase();
var sSecondPart = sGuess.substring(1, sGuess.length);
var sSecondLow = sSecondPart.toLowerCase();
// concats the two parts into one string
var usableGuess = sFirstCap + sSecondLow;
// if user hits cancel on the sGuess prompt
if (sGuess == "") {
alert("You are a chicken");
// checks if usableGuess is contained in the arry or not.
if (sportsArray.indexOf(usableGuess) === -1) {
document.write("Sorry! Try again.<br />");
score = score -5;
else {
document.write("You are good, try again.<br />");
score = score + 5;
//depending on the user score, prompts one of three messages.
if (score < 0) {
document.write(name + ", you do not demonstrate ESP tendencies at this time.<br />");
} else if (score < 15) {
document.write(name + ", you are not bad.<br />");
} else {
document.write("<br/>" + name + ", you are a mind reader!<br />");
答案 0 :(得分:1)
方法失败并显示错误(Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'substr' of null
var sGuess = prompt("Enter a sport guess", "");
if (sGuess == "") {
alert("You are a chicken");
答案 1 :(得分:1)
if (sGuess == "") {
alert("You are a chicken");
if (sGuess == null) {
alert("You are a chicken");
计数器值(sGuess == null && loops == 3)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
name = prompt("Enter your first name", "");
// If no name value was received:
答案 3 :(得分:0)
var sGuess = prompt("Enter a sport guess", "");
if(sGuess !== null) {
// uses substrings to ultimately capitalize the 1st letter, and make everything after it lowerCase.
var sFirstPart = sGuess.substr(0, 1);
var sFirstCap = sFirstPart.toUpperCase();
var sSecondPart = sGuess.substring(1, sGuess.length);
var sSecondLow = sSecondPart.toLowerCase();
// concats the two parts into one string
var usableGuess = sFirstCap + sSecondLow;
} else {
// if user hits cancel on the sGuess prompt
alert("You are a chicken");
答案 4 :(得分:0)
// if user hits cancel on the sGuess prompt
if (!sGuess && loops < 4) {
alert("You are a chicken");