Loop = "y"
FixedCost = 2500
while Loop == "y":
MP = int(input("1 of 3 - Enter the minimum number of passengers: "))
print ("The minimum number of passengers is set to ", MP)
MaxP = int(input("2 of 3 - Enter the maximum number of passengers: "))
print ("The minimum number of passengers is set to ", MaxP)
TP = float(input("3 of 3 - Enter the ticket price: "))
print ("Number of", end=" ")
print ("Ticket")
print ("Passengers", end=" ")
print ("Price", end=" ")
print ("Gross", end=" ")
print ("Fixed Cost", end=" ")
print ("Profit")
profits = []
for NP in range(MP, MaxP+1, 10):
CostofTicket = TP - (((NP - MP)/10)*.5)
Gross = NP * CostofTicket
Profit = (NP * CostofTicket) - FixedCost
print (NP, end=" ")
print ("$", format(CostofTicket, "3,.2f"), end=" ")
print ("$", format(Gross, "3,.2f"), end=" ")
print ("$", format(FixedCost, "3,.2f"), end=" ")
print ("$", format(Profit, "3,.2f"))
greatest_profit = max(profits)
print ("Maximum Profit: ", end="")
print (format(greatest_profit, "3,.2f"))
print ("Maximum Profit Ticket Price: ")
print ("Maximum Profit Number of Passengers: ")
Loop = str(input("Run this contract again (Y or N): "))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
profits = []
for NP in range(MP, MaxP+1, 10):
CostofTicket = TP - (((NP - MP)/10)*.5)
Gross = NP * CostofTicket
Profit = (NP * CostofTicket) - FixedCost
profits.append((Profit, TP, NP, MP))
print (NP, end=" ")
print ("$", format(CostofTicket, "3,.2f"), end=" ")
print ("$", format(Gross, "3,.2f"), end=" ")
print ("$", format(FixedCost, "3,.2f"), end=" ")
print ("$", format(Profit, "3,.2f"))
# find max profits tuple and unpack its values
Profit, TP, NP, MP = max(profits)
# etc...