
时间:2016-03-13 20:02:02

标签: java svg graphics2d batik

以下代码使用batik-svggen生成SVG文件;目标是一个非常经典的目标,但似乎不可能第一次正确...正确计算一些渲染文本的高度和宽度,以便它可以被一个形状包围 - 这里是一个矩形。 / p>


public final class SvgParseNode
    private static final int LEFTMARGIN = 5;
    private static final int TOPMARGIN = 5;
    private static final int RIGHTMARGIN = 5;
    private static final int BOTTOMARGIN = 5;

    private final Graphics2D graphics;
    private final String text;

    private final int xStart;
    private final int yStart;
    private final int rwidth;
    private final int rheight;
    private final int textXOffset;
    private final int textYOffset;

    public SvgParseNode(final Graphics2D graphics, final ParseNode node,
        final int xStart, final int yStart)
        this.xStart = xStart;
        this.yStart = yStart;
        this.graphics = Objects.requireNonNull(graphics);
        text = Objects.requireNonNull(node).toString();

         * First, get the bounds of the text
        final Font font = graphics.getFont();
        final FontMetrics metrics = graphics.getFontMetrics(font);
        final Rectangle2D bounds = metrics.getStringBounds(text, graphics);
        final int boundsHeight = (int) bounds.getHeight();

         * The width of the target rectangle is that of the bounds width, plus
         * both left and right margin on the x axis
        // PROBLEM HERE
        //rwidth = (int) bounds.getWidth() + LEFTMARGIN + RIGHTMARGIN;
        rwidth = metrics.stringWidth(text) + LEFTMARGIN + RIGHTMARGIN;

         * The height is that of the bounds height, plus both up and down
         * margins on the y avis
        rheight = boundsHeight + TOPMARGIN + BOTTOMARGIN;

         * The x offset of the text is that of the left x margin
        textXOffset = LEFTMARGIN;

         * The y offset is that of half of half the bounds height plus the y
         * up margin
        textYOffset = rheight / 2 + TOPMARGIN;

    public void render()
        final Shape rect = new Rectangle(xStart, yStart, rwidth, rheight);
        graphics.drawString(text, xStart + textXOffset, yStart + textYOffset);

    public Point getTopAttachPoint()
        return new Point(xStart + rwidth / 2, yStart);

    public Point getDownAttachPoint()
        return new Point(xStart + rwidth / 2, yStart + rheight);

在上面标有PROBLEM HERE的行上,我尝试使用.getStringBounds()给出的宽度作为文本的宽度。运气不好,它没有返回正确的结果......但.stringWidth()有效。


public final class SvgWriting
    private static final int XSTART = 10;
    private static final int YSTART = 10;

    private static final Path OUTFILE;

    static {
        final String s = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
        if (s == null)
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("java.io.tmpdir not defined");

        OUTFILE = Paths.get(s, "t2.svg");

    private SvgWriting()
        throw new Error("no instantiation is permitted");

    public static void main(final String... args)
        throws IOException
        // Get a DOMImplementation.
        final DOMImplementation domImpl =

        // Create an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document.
        final String svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
        final Document document = domImpl.createDocument(svgNS, "svg", null);

        // Create an instance of the SVG Generator.
        final SVGGraphics2D svgGenerator = new SVGGraphics2D(document);

        final SvgParseNode node = new SvgParseNode(svgGenerator,
            new DummyNode(), XSTART, YSTART);


        try (
            final Writer out = Files.newBufferedWriter(OUTFILE);
        ) {
            svgGenerator.stream(out, false);

    private static final class DummyNode
        extends ParseNode

        private DummyNode()
            super("foo", Collections.emptyList());

        public String toString()
            return "I suck at graphics, I said!";




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