
时间:2016-03-11 17:42:28

标签: assembly avr atmega




1000 0000
1100 0000

1110 000 1 - 不应该发生(最后一个应该是0)

0111 0000
0011 1000
0001 1100
0000 1110
0000 0111
0000 0011
0000 0001
0000 0000

;Stack and Stack Pointer Addresses - Necessary for subroutines
        .equ     SPH    =$3E              ;High Byte Stack Pointer Address 
        .equ     SPL    =$3D              ;Low Byte Stack Pointer Address 
        .equ     RAMEND =$25F             ;Stack Address 

    ;Port Addresses 
        .equ     DDRA   =$1A               ;Port A Data Direction Register Address 
        .equ     PINA   =$19               ;Port A Input Address 

        .equ     PORTC  =$15              ;Port C Output Address 
        .equ     DDRC   =$14              ;Port C Data Direction Register Address 

    ;Register Definitions 
        .def     leds   =r0               ;Register to store data for LEDs 
        .def     temp   =r26              ;Temporary storage register 

    ;Set stack pointer to end of memory #Used for subroutines
        ldi    temp,high(RAMEND) 
        out    SPH,temp          ;Load high byte of end of memory address 
        ldi    temp,low(RAMEND) 
        out    SPL,temp          ;Load low byte of end of memory address 

    ;Setting registers for the game [Available registers: r22, r28]
        ;r4 the amount of times user can miss before game the restarts
        inc r4
        inc r4
        inc r4
        ;registers used for random subroutines
            clr r3 
            ;r2 - $0  

        ;Main game registers
        ldi r24,$0 //if 1 - Destroyer 2 - Battleship 3 - Aircraft Carrier
        ldi r25,$0 //if 1 - Left 2 - Right
        ldi r22,$0 //If 1 - user already shot the torpedo 0 - user didn't shot a torpedo yet
        //r3 - how many times overall has user missed
        //r29, r30 - used as 1st and 2nd loop counter respectively
        ldi r27,$01;

    ;Initialise input ports
         ldi    temp,$00 
         out    DDRA,temp         //Set Port A for input by sending $00 to direction register 
    ;Initialise output ports
         ldi    temp,$ff    
         out    DDRC,temp         //Set Port C for output by sending $FF to direction register 

    ;========================================GAME LOOP========================================;
                    gameLoop:   ldi r24, $03 ;3 LEDs ship
                            ldi r25, $02 ; moving right                             

                                rcall spawnShip //initialize ship on switch light box LEDs

                                cpi r25,$01
                                breq moveLeft 
                                cpi r25,$02
                                breq moveRight

                        moveLeft:   lsl leds
                                    out    PORTC,leds       //Display leds to port C 
                                    rcall delayCheck
                                    cp r0,r2            //If register is empty the ship escaped from the player hence exit the loop and spawn a new ship
                                    breq gameLoop
                                    rjmp moveLeft

                        moveRight:  lsr leds
                                    out    PORTC,leds       //Display leds to port C 
                                    rcall delayCheck
                                    cp r0,r2            //If register is empty the ship escaped from the player hence exit the loop and spawn a new ship
                                    breq gameLoop
                                    rjmp moveRight

    ;========================================GAME LOOP========================================;


    //**Spawn Ship** - Initialising ship on switch light box LEDs (in phases every aircraft carrier is initially destroyer on frame 1 [1 LED] then it is a battleship on frame 2 [2 LEDs] on frame 3 it is a full aircraft carrier [3 LEDs])
    spawnShip:  cpi r25,$1
                breq spawnShipLeftD //Spawn ship on the right hand side with direction left
                cpi r25,$2
                breq spawnShipRightD //Spawn ship on the left hand side with direction right

        spawnShipRightD:    clr leds
                            rcall delayNoCheck
                            inc r0      //Initialise Destroyer
                            swap r0     //Speeds up changeDirLoop subroutine
                            rcall changeDirLoop
                            out PORTC, leds
                            rcall delayCheck

                            cpi r24,$2  //If the ship is a battleship increment the size by 1
                            breq spawnBattleShipRightD
                            cpi r24,$3  //If the ship is a aircraft carrier increment the size by 3 
                            breq spawnAircraftCarrierRightD

            spawnBattleShipRightD:clr r0    //clr r0 hence was modified to 0x80 from 0x01 so incrementing that value would destroy our ship
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0
                                 swap r0
                                 rcall changeDirLoop
                                 out PORTC, leds

                                 rcall delayCheck

            spawnAircraftCarrierRightD:rcall spawnBattleShipRightD //Every aircraft carrier is a battleship during 2nd frame of initialisation on LED switch light box
                                 clr r0
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0
                                 inc r0

                                 swap r0
                                 rcall changeDirLoop
                                 out PORTC, leds

                                 rcall delayCheck

                changeDirLoop:  rol r0      //Initially every ship is spawned on the right side of the LED light box so we rotate left until, negative flag turns on
                                brpl changeDirLoop

    //Spawn Ship

    //*Check Press* - check button was pressed, restrict user to pressing only one buttone at once by checking register with powers of 2
    checkPress:             cpi r22,$01 //Check if user missed this turn
                            breq checkButtons //If user missed this turn we invert r19 to be always false so it will check again methods below which won't speed up the ship after missing

                            in     r19, PINA  //put the pin A value in r19

            checkButtons:   com    r19   //basic state of switches is 1111 1111 so invert to get 0000 0000

                            cpi r19,$01
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb0000 0001
                            cpi r19,$02
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb0000 0010 
                            cpi r19,$04
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb0000 0100 
                            cpi r19,$08
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb0000 1000
                            cpi r19,$10
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb0001 0000
                            cpi r19,$20
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb0010 0000 
                            cpi r19,$40
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb0100 0000 
                            cpi r19,$80
                            breq   press  //If r19 is 0xb1000 0000

                            press:  and  r19, r0  //It will only be equal to more than 0 if the ship was shot
                                    cp   r19, r2  //Compare to empty register
                                    brne shotDown
                                    cp   r19, r2
                                    breq missed

                                shotDown:   clr leds //Destroy the ship
                                            out PORTC, leds 
                                            rcall delayNoCheck
                                            subi r27, $05//Speed up the game
                                            ;ADD SCORE
                                            rjmp gameLoop //Spawn a new ship

                                missed:     ldi r22, $01 //Has user missed this turn
                                            inc r3 //Increment overall times user missed
                                            cp r3,r4
                                            breq restart //If user missed 3 times start over

                                            rjmp missedReturn

                                        restart:    ldi temp, $FF
                                                    out PORTC, temp
                                                    rjmp restartGame

    //Check Press

    delayCheck:  mov    r31,r27     //Copy value of r27 into r31     
        loop3:   ldi    r30,$01  ;02        //Initialise 2nd loop counter ;$DA - default Alternate - 1F
        loop2:   ldi    r29,$01 ;1f          //Initialise 1st loop counter ;$FE - default Alternate - D6
        loop1:   rcall checkPress
                 dec    r29              //Decrement the 1st loop counter 
                 brne   loop1            //and continue to decrement until 1st loop counter = 0 
                 dec    r30              //Decrement the 2nd loop counter 
                 brne   loop2            //If the 2nd loop counter is not equal to zero repeat the 1st loop, else continue 
                 dec    r31              //Decrement the 3rd loop counter
                 brne   loop3            //If the 3rd loop counter is not equal to zero repeat the 2nd loop, else continue

    delayNoCheck:ldi    r31,$01     ;06 //Copy value of r27 into r31     
        loop4:   ldi    r30,$01  ;DA        //Initialise 2nd loop counter ;$DA - default Alternate - 1F
        loop5:   ldi    r29,$01 ;FE         //Initialise 1st loop counter ;$FE - default Alternate - D6
        loop6:   dec    r29              //Decrement the 1st loop counter 
                 brne   loop6            //and continue to decrement until 1st loop counter = 0 
                 dec    r30              //Decrement the 2nd loop counter 
                 brne   loop5            //If the 2nd loop counter is not equal to zero repeat the 1st loop, else continue 
                 dec    r31              //Decrement the 3rd loop counter
                 brne   loop4            //If the 3rd loop counter is not equal to zero repeat the 2nd loop, else continue


我已经经历了几个小时的代码,我无法弄清楚为什么它会在LED 1110 0001而不是1110 0000



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



clr r0
inc r0
inc r0
inc r0
inc r0
inc r0
inc r0
inc r0
swap r0
rcall changeDirLoop

您只需使用一个ldi leds, $0xe0,这样不仅可以修复您的错误,而且还可以使程序更具可读性和效率;)