在这个问题中,我问为什么dom没有在更新时更新,并且向我建议我使用范围。$ apply()这样做: Angular not updating Ng-class when on-change is triggered
我的问题是为什么当我放置范围。$ apply()在我的函数结束时使我的代码工作但是当我把它放在reader.onload函数或在scope.slideMenuToggle()函数之后它不起作用?
* Triggers reader for when an image has been selected from the input
* @param element - Saves the input value to this scope.
scope.setImageFile = function (element) {
var reader = new FileReader();
// Converts the image to a data URL.
* When chosen image is selected it triggers the onload function to pass the image to the whiteboardService.
* @param event - Saves the event of the input field to get the images data URL.
reader.onload = function (event) {
fabric.Image.fromURL(event.target.result, function (img) {
// Resets the form that wraps round the file input to allow the
// user to add more than one of the same file.
// NOTE: This will break other inputs if you put them inside this form