
时间:2016-03-08 18:23:39

标签: excel vba excel-vba




我读过如果Excel将范围从一个Excel实例复制到另一个实例,它可能会导致原始方程为set to values,但我不相信我的代码应该创建单独的Excel实例,并且当我添加一个代码试图在第二个实例启动时发出警告时,它似乎没有解决问题。有没有人遇到过类似的问题,或者有没有人知道可能会发生什么(无论是如何重现或修复它?)。


仅供参考:我在Windows 7上运行Excel 2010.此外,这些文件托管在共享驱动器上,因此未运行本地计算机。

Option Explicit
Dim wbSeoReport As Workbook 'Internal workbook
Dim wbClientReport As Workbook 'workbook for clients
Dim sSeoReportName As String
Dim sClientFileName As String 'wbClientReport Name
Dim sFilePath As String 'Folder containing this file

Sub Populate_Client_File()

Dim replace_page As Worksheet
Dim sCompanyName As String 'Client company name
Dim sClientFileNameAndPath As String 'wbClientReport Name and path for opening file
'These are used to find the most recent version (date is this month or last, version is the highest available, starting at 10)
Dim iClientFileMonth As Integer
Dim iOriginalMonth As Integer
Dim iClientFileYear As Integer
Dim iClientFileVersion As Integer
Dim sClientFileVersion As String 'this is used to add the v to the client version as iClientFileVersion iterates from 10-1
Dim objFileDialog As FileDialog 'This is for selecting a file when the user does not want the most recent
Dim iUserInput As Integer 'Used to decide whether the most recent file will be used or not.
Dim bFileExists As Boolean
Dim bStayInLoop As Boolean
Dim x As Long, z As Long
Dim labels(1 To 1000) As String

Set wbSeoReport = ThisWorkbook

If ExcelInstances > 1 Then 'This checks the instances of Excel, which could be an issue making formulas saving as values.
    MsgBox "There are " & str(ExcelInstances) & " instances of Excel open. Please close extra instances and start again."
    Exit Sub
End If

sFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\"

iUserInput = MsgBox("Would you like to use the most recent file?", vbYesNoCancel) 'Results returned as integers: 6 is yes, 7 is no, 2 is cancel

If iUserInput = 6 Then
'The following code seeks to identify the most recent client file based on month and file version
'it then checks if it is open, opens it, and sets the file as wbClientReport

    iClientFileMonth = Month(wbSeoReport.Worksheets("Traffic Summary").range("S1").value)
    iOriginalMonth = iClientFileMonth 'This is used for only running the file finder once.
    iClientFileYear = Year(wbSeoReport.Worksheets("Traffic Summary").range("S1").value) - 2000
    sCompanyName = wbSeoReport.Worksheets("Traffic Summary").range("Z1").value
    bFileExists = False

     bStayInLoop = True
     'This loop is used to go through this month and the previous.
     'If it fails, you can select the report to open.
        Do While bStayInLoop = True

                For iClientFileVersion = 10 To 0 Step -1
                'This loops through file versions starting at 10.
                    If iClientFileVersion > 0 Then
                        sClientFileVersion = " v" & iClientFileVersion
                        sClientFileVersion = ""
                    End If
                    sClientFileNameAndPath = sFilePath & sCompanyName & " - MOM -  Client Report  " & iClientFileYear & " - " & iClientFileMonth _
                    & sClientFileVersion & ".xlsm"
                    sClientFileName = sCompanyName & " - MOM -  Client Report  " & iClientFileYear & " - " & iClientFileMonth _
                    & sClientFileVersion & ".xlsm"
                    bFileExists = IsFile(sClientFileNameAndPath)
                    If bFileExists = True Then
                        bStayInLoop = False
                        Exit For
                        'GoTo exitLoop
                    End If
                Next iClientFileVersion

                If bStayInLoop = True Then

                    If iOriginalMonth - 1 = 0 And iClientFileMonth - 1 = 0 Then
                        iClientFileMonth = 12
                        iClientFileYear = iClientFileYear - 1
                    ElseIf iClientFileMonth = iOriginalMonth Then
                        iClientFileMonth = iClientFileMonth - 1
                        iUserInput = 7 'Allows user to find file.
                        bStayInLoop = False
                    End If
                End If


        'This sets an opened file (or opens it) to the wbClientReport
        If bFileExists = True Then
            If BookOpen(sClientFileName) = True Then
                Set wbClientReport = Workbooks(sClientFileName)
                Set wbClientReport = Workbooks.Open(sClientFileNameAndPath)
            End If
        End If
End If
If iUserInput = 7 Then
'This allows a user to select their own file.
    Set objFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
    With objFileDialog
        .InitialFileName = sFilePath
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        On Error Resume Next
         sClientFileName = Dir(.SelectedItems.Item(1))
    End With
'This sets an opened file (or opens it) to the wbClientReport
    Set wbClientReport = Workbooks(sClientFileName)
ElseIf iUserInput = 6 Then
    'Do nothing. Work has already been done.
    'User pressed cancel
    GoTo EndOfCode
End If

sSeoReportName = wbSeoReport.name

If ExcelInstances > 1 Then 'This checks the instances of Excel, which could be an issue making formulas saving as values.
    MsgBox "There are " & str(ExcelInstances) & " instances of Excel open. Please close extra instances and start again."
    Exit Sub
End If

'This code calls the function that sets the named ranges equal to each other to populate
'the data from the SEO Report to the Client Report


'This makes errors = 0 to look better for clients.
For Each replace_page In wbClientReport.Worksheets

        replace_page.Cells.Replace what:="#DIV/0!", Replacement:="0", LookAt:=xlWhole, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Private Sub Populate_Client_Template()
Dim replace_page As Worksheet
Dim label As String 'Used to identify one label in a named range.
Dim labels(1 To 1000) As String 'Used to store all of the named range labels.
Dim x As Long, z As Long 'x keeps track of the entry number in labels. z is a loop iterator.
Dim rngTitleRange As range

x = 0

labels(x + 1) = "Branded_Keywords"
x = x + 1
labels(x + 1) = "Conversion_Rate_by_Source"
x = x + 1
'This adds about 30 more names of the named ranges to the array "labels" to be iterated through in the following loop.

On Error Resume Next

For z = 1 To x + 1
    Fill_Client_Report (labels(z)) 'Uses function to populate Client Report with data.
    Fill_Client_Report (labels(z) & "_Titles") 'Uses function to populate named ranges that have title info (ie column a in 13 month window).
Next z

End Sub

Sub Fill_Client_Report(label As String)

Dim wsClient_Page As Worksheet 'This is used to select the page on which a named range exists in the client report
Dim wsSeo_Page As Worksheet 'This is used to select the page on which a named range exists in the SEO Report
Dim rngTestRange As range 'This is used to check if a named range exists in the respective documents.

On Error Resume Next
Set rngTestRange = range(label)
If Not rngTestRange Is Nothing Then 'This checks if the named range exists in the SEO Report
    Set wsSeo_Page = range(label).parent 'This sets the page containing the named range.
    Set rngTestRange = range(label)
    If Not rngTestRange Is Nothing Then 'This checks if the named range exists in the Client Report
        Set wsClient_Page = range(label).parent 'This sets the page containing the named range.
    'The following sets the two ranges equal to populate the client report with seo report data.
        wsClient_Page.range(label).value = wsSeo_Page.range(label).value
        'This shows is the named range isn't in the client report.
        Debug.Print label
    End If
    'This shows if the named range isn't in the seo report.
    Debug.Print label
End If

End Sub

Function IsFile(fName As String) As Boolean
    'Returns TRUE if the provided name points to an existing file.
    'Returns FALSE if not existing, or if it's a folder
        On Error Resume Next
        IsFile = ((GetAttr(fName) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory)
End Function

Function BookOpen(strBookName As String) As Boolean
    'This code checks if a workbook is open
    Dim Bk As Workbook
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Bk = Workbooks(strBookName)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Bk Is Nothing Then
        BookOpen = False
        BookOpen = True
    End If
End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Sub Tester()
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = GetNamedRange(ActiveWorkbook, "TESTER2")
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print rng.Parent.Name, rng.Address
        Debug.Print "Range not found!"
    End If
End Sub

'returns the range for "theName", or Nothing if not found
Function GetNamedRange(wb As Workbook, theName As String)
    Dim rv As Range
    On Error Resume Next 'ignore a specific error
    Set rv = ActiveWorkbook.Names("TESTER2").RefersToRange
    On Error GoTo 0      'stop ignoring errors
    Set GetNamedRange = rv
End Function

如果可能,您应该从代码的其余部分删除On Error Resume Next:如果 要使用它,请确保尽快将其关闭。
