我在ci上连接四个游戏编译我的代码,但我仍然有这两个问题首先在我的终端 sh:cls:command not found 我在论坛上搜索(可能是一个分段错误)但我不知道该怎么做才能修复它输入代码这里和第二个当我编译行没有出现在屏幕上你能帮我吗?谢谢你提前:)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
void display();
bool check(int a, int b);
int drop(int b, char player);
char place[6][7];//available for the entire code
void display(){ //empty
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n");
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
printf ("+");
for (j=0; j<7; j++)
printf ("\n");
printf ("|");
for (j=0; j<7; j++)
printf(" |");
printf ("\n");
printf ("+");
for (j=0; j<7; j++)
printf ("\n");
int drop(int b, char player){
if(b >=0 && b<= 6){
if(place[0][b] == ' '){
int i;
for(i = 0;place[i][b] == ' ';i++)
if(i == 5){place[i][b] = player;
return i;}
place[i][b] =player;
return i;
return -1;
return -1;
bool check(int a, int b){
int vertical = 1;//(|)
int horizontal = 1;//(-)
int diagonal1 = 1;//(\)
int diagonal2 = 1;//(/)
char player = place[a][b];
int i;//vertical
int ii;//horizontal
//check for vertical(|)
for(i = a +1;place[i][b] == player && i <= 5;i++,vertical++);//Check down
for(i = a -1;place[i][b] == player && i >= 0;i--,vertical++);//Check up
if(vertical >= 4)return true;
//check for horizontal(-)
for(ii = b -1;place[a][ii] == player && ii >= 0;ii--,horizontal++);//Check left
for(ii = b +1;place[a][ii] == player && ii <= 6;ii++,horizontal++);//Check right
if(horizontal >= 4) return true;
//check for diagonal 1 (\)
for(i = a -1, ii= b -1;place[i][ii] == player && i>=0 && ii >=0; diagonal1 ++, i --, ii --);//up and left
for(i = a +1, ii = b+1;place[i][ii] == player && i<=5 && ii <=6;diagonal1 ++, i ++, ii ++);//down and right
if(diagonal1 >= 4) return true;
//check for diagonal 2(/)
for(i = a -1, ii= b +1;place[i][ii] == player && i>=0 && ii <= 6; diagonal2 ++, i --, ii ++);//up and right
for(i = a +1, ii= b -1;place[i][ii] == player && i<=5 && ii >=0; diagonal2 ++, i ++, ii --);//up and left
if(diagonal2 >= 4) return true;
return false;
int main(){
for(int a =0;a <= 5; a++){ //fill place with whitespace
for(int b = 0; b<=6; b++) //
place[a][b] = ' '; //
} //
display();//Displays for first time so players can see the board
int hold;//Will house user row choice
int hold2 = 0;//will hold drop value
int charsPlaced = 0;//Number of peices dropped so can end game if a draw
bool gamewon = false;//Will be changed to true when game is won and will exit while loop
char player = 15;//start as player 2 will change back 2 player 1
while(!gamewon){//will stop when game is won, ! means NOT makes the oppisite be checked
if(hold2 != -1){//check if there was a error in the last drop
if(player == 15){//if player 2 lasted dropped a piece so its player 1s turn
printf("player 1 drop where?");
player = 254;//char of players piece
printf("player 2 drop where?");
player = 15;//char of player piece
while(true){//will run untill 'break;'
if(charsPlaced == 42) break;//if draw
// cin>>hold;//get user input
hold--;//take off 1 to account for arrays starting at 0 not 1
if(hold <=6 && hold>= 0) break;//if within valid range stop loop
else printf( "\nplease enter a value between 1 and 7 :");//ask for input and loop again
if(charsPlaced == 42) break;//if draw 6X7
hold2 = drop(hold,player);//drop the player store the row in hold2
if(hold2 == -1) printf("Column is full\nPlease enter anothor number between 1 and 7:");//if error -1 row is full
gamewon = check(hold2,hold);//check if game is run
charsPlaced ++;//another character has been succesfully placed
system("cls");//This clears the screen works with windows, not nesscery to run game
display();//displayed updated board
system("clear");//this clears the screen
if(charsPlaced == 42){//if draw
printf("No winner, Game was draw\n");
return 0;
if(player == 15)//if won by player 2
printf("gamewon by : player 2\n");
else printf("gamewon by : player 1\n");//Else won by player 1
system("pause");//pauses before exit so players can see who won, works with windows
return 0;//Exit application
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您实际上可以detect which OS you are running使用一些预定义的宏。