我正在尝试使用ycsb tool.i安装java和maven测试mongodb我从https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB下载了ycsb-master我运行mvn clean package命令以便mongodb绑定成功。加载我执行的工作负载以下命令
C:\ YCSB-master \ bin> c:\ Python27 \ python.exe ycsb load mongodb -s -P workloads \ workloada -p recordcount = 1000 -threads 6 -p mongodb.url =" mongodb: //本地主机:27017" -p mongodb.database = test -p writeConcern = normal -p mongodb.auth =" true"
[WARN] Running against a source checkout. In order to get our runtime dependencies we'll have to invoke Maven. Depending on the state of your system, this may take ~30-45 seconds
[DEBUG] Running 'mvn -pl com.yahoo.ycsb:mongodb-binding -am package -DskipTests dependency:build-classpath -DincludeScope=compile -Dmdep.outputFilterFile=true'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ycsb", line 259, in <module>
File "ycsb", line 232, in main
maven_says = get_classpath_from_maven(project)
File "ycsb", line 178, in get_classpath_from_maven+ err.output)
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects