在grails app中,服务领域是否由用户共享?

时间:2016-03-01 15:10:18

标签: grails

我有一个关于服务领域是否由用户共享的问题?我的grails版本是2.3.4 现在我有一个带有两个动作的控制器,并尝试从服务字段设置并获取值。

//This is a controller
class TestController{
  def testService

  def setValue(){

  def getValue(){}
    println testService.getValue()

//This is a service
class TestService{
  def var

  def setValue(def value){
    var = value

  def getValue(){}
    return var

换句话说,如果多个用户在控制器中使用操作getValue,他们是否共享服务中的var? 谢谢!

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默认情况下,对服务方法的访问不同步,因此不会阻止并发   执行那些方法。事实上,因为服务是一个   单身并且可以同时使用,你应该非常小心   关于在服务中存储状态。或者采取简单(和更好)的道路   并且永远不会将状态存储在服务中。


您可以通过在特定服务中放置服务来更改此行为   范围。支持的范围是:

prototype - A new service is created every time it is injected into another class
request - A new service will be created per request
flash - A new service will be created for the current and next request only
flow - In web flows the service will exist for the scope of the flow
conversation - In web flows the service will exist for the scope of the conversation. ie a root flow and its sub flows
session - A service is created for the scope of a user session
singleton (default) - Only one instance of the service ever exists