我试图找到两个变量(pv_ratio,battery_ratio)和第三个变量'value'之间的关系。两个比率范围从0到5,每0.0625点(81x81 = 6561点),'值'在[0,1]范围内。
可以找到csv here,看起来像这样:
battery_ratio pv_ratio value
0 0.0000 0 1
1 0.0625 0 1
2 0.1250 0 1
3 0.1875 0 1
4 0.2500 0 1
5 0.3125 0 1
6 0.3750 0 1
7 0.4375 0 1
8 0.5000 0 1
9 0.5625 0 1
这是我的代码,以适应我的曲线,使用sicpy.optimize.curve_fit并寻找指数关系。此代码段将csv读入pandas df,找到f函数的最佳参数,绘制结果并给出拟合分数。
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (14.0, 8.0)
def f(X, a, b, c, d, e):
# the function I came up with after some trials, and which I'm trying to improve
bt_r = X[:,0] #battery_ratio
pv_r = X[:,1] #pv_ratio
return (1 - a * np.exp(- e * pv_r ** b)) * np.exp(- (d ** bt_r) * c * pv_r)
def fit():
#find optimal parameters and score fit
X = df[variables].values
y = df.value.values
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, X, y)
y_real, y_fit = df['value'], f(df[variables].values, *popt)
score = np.round(np.sum(((y_fit - y_real)**2)),1)
return popt, score
def check_fit(values):
#Plot (y_fit, y) for all subsets
def plot_subset(ax, variable, r_value):
"""Scatter plot (y_fit and y) against 'variable' with the other variable set at ratio
- variable : string ['pv_ratio', 'battery_ratio']
- r_value : float
# ratio stands for the second variable which is fixed
ratio = list(set(variables) - set([variable]))[0]
df_ = df.query("{} == {}".format(ratio, r_value))
# plot y and y fit
y_real, y_fit = df_['value'], f(df_[variables].values, *popt)
for y, c in zip([y_real, y_fit], ['b', 'r']):
ax.scatter(df_[variable], y, color=c, s=10, alpha=0.95)
ax.set_title('{} = {}'.format(ratio, r_value))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=len(values), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for icol, r_value in enumerate(values):
plot_subset(ax[0, icol], 'pv_ratio', r_value)
plot_subset(ax[1, icol], 'battery_ratio', r_value)
print 'Score: {}'.format(score)
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0)
variables = ['battery_ratio', 'pv_ratio']
popt, score = fit()
check_fit([0,3,5]) #plot y_real and y_fit for these ratios
=sum((y_real - y_fit)²/len(y))
我现在陷入了尝试重复过程显示其极限的程度。 我应该如何设计更快更有效的拟合功能? 我可以获得比6.1更好的分数吗?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
正如@ jon-custer所建议的,我尝试了n次多项式拟合。我的代码是this SO答案的略微修改版本。
import itertools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def polyfit2d(data, order=3):
x = data.pv_ratio
y = data.battery_ratio
z = data.value
ncols = (order + 1)**2
G = np.zeros((x.size, ncols))
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
for k, (i,j) in enumerate(ij):
G[:,k] = x**i * y**j
m, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(G, z)
y['fit'] = polyval2d(x, y, m)
return m, y_fit
def polyval2d(x, y, m):
order = int(np.sqrt(len(m))) - 1
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
z = np.zeros_like(x)
for a, (i,j) in zip(m, ij):
z += a * x**i * y**j
return z
m, y_fit = polyfit2d(df, 7)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
还原数据。将值做1 / x,并逐行绘制一条趋势线。你做到了。