我在App Store中有一个应用程序,自iOS7发布以来我没有维护过,并且有一些请求要刷新它。
我正在尝试更新它,以便它可以在最新的iOS 8和所有当前的iOS iPad设备上运行。
当我测试任何非Pro iPad模拟器在sim中运行时,它可以工作。但是当我测试在iPad Pro上运行时,它会崩溃。以下是详细信息。
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// crashes on this line (i know this is not that useful)
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
[pool release];
return retVal;
Warning: Error creating LLDB target at path '/Users/pubnubcvconover/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Stats-Pad-coxczetuymekypghmygwqysiqulp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Lacrosse-Stats.app'- using an empty LLDB target which can cause slow memory reads from remote devices.
2016-02-28 16:59:43.301 Lacrosse-Stats[4205:95840] ADBannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError:The operation couldn’t be completed. (ADErrorDomain error 3.)
2016-02-28 16:59:43.303 Lacrosse-Stats[4205:95840] Ran setTeams
2016-02-28 16:59:44.222 Lacrosse-Stats[4205:95840] CoreData: error: -addPersistentStoreWithType:Binary configuration:(null) URL:file:///Users/pubnubcvconover/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/91D7C4F6-34CA-4761-913F-C0B50E753469/data/Containers/Data/Application/ED789ADC-FB9C-43E2-8FDE-E02D80DD43E6/Documents/Stats_Pad.bin options:{
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption = 1;
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption = 1;
} ... returned error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134130 "(null)" UserInfo={URL=file:///Users/pubnubcvconover/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/91D7C4F6-34CA-4761-913F-C0B50E753469/data/Containers/Data/Application/ED789ADC-FB9C-43E2-8FDE-E02D80DD43E6/Documents/Stats_Pad.bin, metadata={
NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 641;
NSStoreModelVersionHashes = {
"field_conditions" = <1a8f23c4 a8f9f08a 7504bd89 b6c608df 89106202 f9c81f02 2441924c 12245334>;
"field_layout" = <da72d767 8f4c3614 fe56ab18 37905a4e b7890395 03515759 46c20c7b 78cbb6cb>;
game = <8f8c1e3b 595416df 4164209d 35268bfd e4f41bf7 aed776a9 3bcfe86a dea6fe6a>;
gender = <bcdc57c3 7ad84924 40c67207 735167f4 e773c4b8 6fc53316 b9fe0220 4e53fad8>;
levels = <7aa35176 e55edff3 7ac01812 5cc17a05 60013487 92196c1d 366a437b a108a9ef>;
p = <593e105a 8ce080f6 aeb0081d 250039e3 6363b0a0 380fc096 6d18653e da7c1612>;
"p_event" = <acf2f48d 3d5ef365 6e6153a2 268ab4d2 9c4776ed 6165781e f86c0bbc 5b8bfe90>;
"p_type" = <36aaae5d db755d03 9a66e7b0 703ca8bf 5de4210a c6c9e8e3 ea77b8f4 6fd8f8fb>;
penalty = <a8ff8a90 08434fec 24caa525 b16972eb f9a35891 54945888 e68d6faf 7d7aea9f>;
"penalty_event" = <09ef67b3 238a32e0 1a2526d6 82374563 c7275b43 a11d26df fa8447b4 ac7f1175>;
"penalty_type" = <3cdcaf67 0748f85e 0b300ba0 4119f7c2 04cf6a39 1b836ec8 5850f3e6 3662e8ff>;
player = <9d572c6d 15c11f5f 5d4aa3d0 10b75ea3 fa3dd352 1f89a53f f3a3f02e b3d1a4c1>;
position = <89407c79 8f0655a6 550666a3 9e87738d fb985882 5ae70c3a 9ca51fd7 50b24a94>;
roster = <34471eca 339a9ab4 ed86afc9 727c17c3 6117156b e726de09 97c979f2 d4272814>;
rules = <0f7d4bc6 5b82e1ee 6b3e9c3d 2c73ea62 78c6bbbb bb02b6c0 0bdc8a5e 2bc1d22d>;
statistic = <b92a539d 6329e839 d24a80ef e4006a28 3ee3cf68 5cbe1342 5a79f9c7 760f3ffe>;
"statistic_event" = <2d6d03bf 53f05b88 ddc692bc ab805dea 210dc3cb 93ea04e9 c2005fe1 d9f817d3>;
"statistic_type" = <84c5603e 008cdbc3 411c883d a0ac485b 160c35c8 f5ce7394 0fc06d2d c72ece9d>;
team = <97de1350 f685c550 8de940e6 e0c6d8fc f2cd1b80 94725d1b 535f0ff3 13474223>;
"weather_conditions" = <23bce103 1dbe85b6 c7b92d66 69c2d334 34baf747 8ae60dcc dee2b5e0 b739bf31>;
NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers = (
NSStoreType = Binary;
NSStoreUUID = "829124BC-14FB-43C5-A845-A630BB9603E9";
"_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
}, reason=Can't find model for source store} with userInfo dictionary {
URL = "file:///Users/pubnubcvconover/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/91D7C4F6-34CA-4761-913F-C0B50E753469/data/Containers/Data/Application/ED789ADC-FB9C-43E2-8FDE-E02D80DD43E6/Documents/Stats_Pad.bin";
metadata = {
NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 641;
NSStoreModelVersionHashes = {
"field_conditions" = <1a8f23c4 a8f9f08a 7504bd89 b6c608df 89106202 f9c81f02 2441924c 12245334>;
"field_layout" = <da72d767 8f4c3614 fe56ab18 37905a4e b7890395 03515759 46c20c7b 78cbb6cb>;
game = <8f8c1e3b 595416df 4164209d 35268bfd e4f41bf7 aed776a9 3bcfe86a dea6fe6a>;
gender = <bcdc57c3 7ad84924 40c67207 735167f4 e773c4b8 6fc53316 b9fe0220 4e53fad8>;
levels = <7aa35176 e55edff3 7ac01812 5cc17a05 60013487 92196c1d 366a437b a108a9ef>;
p = <593e105a 8ce080f6 aeb0081d 250039e3 6363b0a0 380fc096 6d18653e da7c1612>;
"p_event" = <acf2f48d 3d5ef365 6e6153a2 268ab4d2 9c4776ed 6165781e f86c0bbc 5b8bfe90>;
"p_type" = <36aaae5d db755d03 9a66e7b0 703ca8bf 5de4210a c6c9e8e3 ea77b8f4 6fd8f8fb>;
penalty = <a8ff8a90 08434fec 24caa525 b16972eb f9a35891 54945888 e68d6faf 7d7aea9f>;
"penalty_event" = <09ef67b3 238a32e0 1a2526d6 82374563 c7275b43 a11d26df fa8447b4 ac7f1175>;
"penalty_type" = <3cdcaf67 0748f85e 0b300ba0 4119f7c2 04cf6a39 1b836ec8 5850f3e6 3662e8ff>;
player = <9d572c6d 15c11f5f 5d4aa3d0 10b75ea3 fa3dd352 1f89a53f f3a3f02e b3d1a4c1>;
position = <89407c79 8f0655a6 550666a3 9e87738d fb985882 5ae70c3a 9ca51fd7 50b24a94>;
roster = <34471eca 339a9ab4 ed86afc9 727c17c3 6117156b e726de09 97c979f2 d4272814>;
rules = <0f7d4bc6 5b82e1ee 6b3e9c3d 2c73ea62 78c6bbbb bb02b6c0 0bdc8a5e 2bc1d22d>;
statistic = <b92a539d 6329e839 d24a80ef e4006a28 3ee3cf68 5cbe1342 5a79f9c7 760f3ffe>;
"statistic_event" = <2d6d03bf 53f05b88 ddc692bc ab805dea 210dc3cb 93ea04e9 c2005fe1 d9f817d3>;
"statistic_type" = <84c5603e 008cdbc3 411c883d a0ac485b 160c35c8 f5ce7394 0fc06d2d c72ece9d>;
team = <97de1350 f685c550 8de940e6 e0c6d8fc f2cd1b80 94725d1b 535f0ff3 13474223>;
"weather_conditions" = <23bce103 1dbe85b6 c7b92d66 69c2d334 34baf747 8ae60dcc dee2b5e0 b739bf31>;
NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers = (
NSStoreType = Binary;
NSStoreUUID = "829124BC-14FB-43C5-A845-A630BB9603E9";
"_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
reason = "Can't find model for source store";
2016-02-28 16:59:44.223 Lacrosse-Stats[4205:95840] CoreData: annotation: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator's current model hashes are {
"field_conditions" = <1a8f23c4 a8f9f08a 7504bd89 b6c608df 89106202 f9c81f02 2441924c 12245334>;
"field_layout" = <da72d767 8f4c3614 fe56ab18 37905a4e b7890395 03515759 46c20c7b 78cbb6cb>;
game = <7c5aa182 4171414b b6bcfb04 358894d8 95dd0b1f b32ba46d 440ac807 17a00b19>;
gender = <bcdc57c3 7ad84924 40c67207 735167f4 e773c4b8 6fc53316 b9fe0220 4e53fad8>;
levels = <7aa35176 e55edff3 7ac01812 5cc17a05 60013487 92196c1d 366a437b a108a9ef>;
p = <593e105a 8ce080f6 aeb0081d 250039e3 6363b0a0 380fc096 6d18653e da7c1612>;
"p_event" = <acf2f48d 3d5ef365 6e6153a2 268ab4d2 9c4776ed 6165781e f86c0bbc 5b8bfe90>;
"p_type" = <36aaae5d db755d03 9a66e7b0 703ca8bf 5de4210a c6c9e8e3 ea77b8f4 6fd8f8fb>;
penalty = <a8ff8a90 08434fec 24caa525 b16972eb f9a35891 54945888 e68d6faf 7d7aea9f>;
"penalty_event" = <09ef67b3 238a32e0 1a2526d6 82374563 c7275b43 a11d26df fa8447b4 ac7f1175>;
"penalty_type" = <3cdcaf67 0748f85e 0b300ba0 4119f7c2 04cf6a39 1b836ec8 5850f3e6 3662e8ff>;
player = <4918d629 1aacc24b 59f5942f 0a0222ea 72edf9c7 18d74c0b ec0de756 5ad19d4a>;
position = <89407c79 8f0655a6 550666a3 9e87738d fb985882 5ae70c3a 9ca51fd7 50b24a94>;
roster = <34471eca 339a9ab4 ed86afc9 727c17c3 6117156b e726de09 97c979f2 d4272814>;
rules = <0f7d4bc6 5b82e1ee 6b3e9c3d 2c73ea62 78c6bbbb bb02b6c0 0bdc8a5e 2bc1d22d>;
statistic = <b92a539d 6329e839 d24a80ef e4006a28 3ee3cf68 5cbe1342 5a79f9c7 760f3ffe>;
"statistic_event" = <f8cecbe6 338d513d fc123e58 0cc3c8c6 15295759 91a7eb52 af6f5603 c26f571a>;
"statistic_type" = <84c5603e 008cdbc3 411c883d a0ac485b 160c35c8 f5ce7394 0fc06d2d c72ece9d>;
team = <214fad10 4519c1a5 e799b6ec aefc9adf 16dcae30 b09a01c6 00c4a89d cb113e16>;
"weather_conditions" = <23bce103 1dbe85b6 c7b92d66 69c2d334 34baf747 8ae60dcc dee2b5e0 b739bf31>;
2016-02-28 16:59:44.225 Lacrosse-Stats[4205:95840] Unresolved error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134130 "(null)" UserInfo={URL=file:///Users/pubnubcvconover/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/91D7C4F6-34CA-4761-913F-C0B50E753469/data/Containers/Data/Application/ED789ADC-FB9C-43E2-8FDE-E02D80DD43E6/Documents/Stats_Pad.bin, metadata={
NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 641;
NSStoreModelVersionHashes = {
"field_conditions" = <1a8f23c4 a8f9f08a 7504bd89 b6c608df 89106202 f9c81f02 2441924c 12245334>;
"field_layout" = <da72d767 8f4c3614 fe56ab18 37905a4e b7890395 03515759 46c20c7b 78cbb6cb>;
game = <8f8c1e3b 595416df 4164209d 35268bfd e4f41bf7 aed776a9 3bcfe86a dea6fe6a>;
gender = <bcdc57c3 7ad84924 40c67207 735167f4 e773c4b8 6fc53316 b9fe0220 4e53fad8>;
levels = <7aa35176 e55edff3 7ac01812 5cc17a05 60013487 92196c1d 366a437b a108a9ef>;
p = <593e105a 8ce080f6 aeb0081d 250039e3 6363b0a0 380fc096 6d18653e da7c1612>;
"p_event" = <acf2f48d 3d5ef365 6e6153a2 268ab4d2 9c4776ed 6165781e f86c0bbc 5b8bfe90>;
"p_type" = <36aaae5d db755d03 9a66e7b0 703ca8bf 5de4210a c6c9e8e3 ea77b8f4 6fd8f8fb>;
penalty = <a8ff8a90 08434fec 24caa525 b16972eb f9a35891 54945888 e68d6faf 7d7aea9f>;
"penalty_event" = <09ef67b3 238a32e0 1a2526d6 82374563 c7275b43 a11d26df fa8447b4 ac7f1175>;
"penalty_type" = <3cdcaf67 0748f85e 0b300ba0 4119f7c2 04cf6a39 1b836ec8 5850f3e6 3662e8ff>;
player = <9d572c6d 15c11f5f 5d4aa3d0 10b75ea3 fa3dd352 1f89a53f f3a3f02e b3d1a4c1>;
position = <89407c79 8f0655a6 550666a3 9e87738d fb985882 5ae70c3a 9ca51fd7 50b24a94>;
roster = <34471eca 339a9ab4 ed86afc9 727c17c3 6117156b e726de09 97c979f2 d4272814>;
rules = <0f7d4bc6 5b82e1ee 6b3e9c3d 2c73ea62 78c6bbbb bb02b6c0 0bdc8a5e 2bc1d22d>;
statistic = <b92a539d 6329e839 d24a80ef e4006a28 3ee3cf68 5cbe1342 5a79f9c7 760f3ffe>;
"statistic_event" = <2d6d03bf 53f05b88 ddc692bc ab805dea 210dc3cb 93ea04e9 c2005fe1 d9f817d3>;
"statistic_type" = <84c5603e 008cdbc3 411c883d a0ac485b 160c35c8 f5ce7394 0fc06d2d c72ece9d>;
team = <97de1350 f685c550 8de940e6 e0c6d8fc f2cd1b80 94725d1b 535f0ff3 13474223>;
"weather_conditions" = <23bce103 1dbe85b6 c7b92d66 69c2d334 34baf747 8ae60dcc dee2b5e0 b739bf31>;
NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers = (
NSStoreType = Binary;
NSStoreUUID = "829124BC-14FB-43C5-A845-A630BB9603E9";
"_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
}, reason=Can't find model for source store}, {
URL = "file:///Users/pubnubcvconover/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/91D7C4F6-34CA-4761-913F-C0B50E753469/data/Containers/Data/Application/ED789ADC-FB9C-43E2-8FDE-E02D80DD43E6/Documents/Stats_Pad.bin";
metadata = {
NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 641;
NSStoreModelVersionHashes = {
"field_conditions" = <1a8f23c4 a8f9f08a 7504bd89 b6c608df 89106202 f9c81f02 2441924c 12245334>;
"field_layout" = <da72d767 8f4c3614 fe56ab18 37905a4e b7890395 03515759 46c20c7b 78cbb6cb>;
game = <8f8c1e3b 595416df 4164209d 35268bfd e4f41bf7 aed776a9 3bcfe86a dea6fe6a>;
gender = <bcdc57c3 7ad84924 40c67207 735167f4 e773c4b8 6fc53316 b9fe0220 4e53fad8>;
levels = <7aa35176 e55edff3 7ac01812 5cc17a05 60013487 92196c1d 366a437b a108a9ef>;
p = <593e105a 8ce080f6 aeb0081d 250039e3 6363b0a0 380fc096 6d18653e da7c1612>;
"p_event" = <acf2f48d 3d5ef365 6e6153a2 268ab4d2 9c4776ed 6165781e f86c0bbc 5b8bfe90>;
"p_type" = <36aaae5d db755d03 9a66e7b0 703ca8bf 5de4210a c6c9e8e3 ea77b8f4 6fd8f8fb>;
penalty = <a8ff8a90 08434fec 24caa525 b16972eb f9a35891 54945888 e68d6faf 7d7aea9f>;
"penalty_event" = <09ef67b3 238a32e0 1a2526d6 82374563 c7275b43 a11d26df fa8447b4 ac7f1175>;
"penalty_type" = <3cdcaf67 0748f85e 0b300ba0 4119f7c2 04cf6a39 1b836ec8 5850f3e6 3662e8ff>;
player = <9d572c6d 15c11f5f 5d4aa3d0 10b75ea3 fa3dd352 1f89a53f f3a3f02e b3d1a4c1>;
position = <89407c79 8f0655a6 550666a3 9e87738d fb985882 5ae70c3a 9ca51fd7 50b24a94>;
roster = <34471eca 339a9ab4 ed86afc9 727c17c3 6117156b e726de09 97c979f2 d4272814>;
rules = <0f7d4bc6 5b82e1ee 6b3e9c3d 2c73ea62 78c6bbbb bb02b6c0 0bdc8a5e 2bc1d22d>;
statistic = <b92a539d 6329e839 d24a80ef e4006a28 3ee3cf68 5cbe1342 5a79f9c7 760f3ffe>;
"statistic_event" = <2d6d03bf 53f05b88 ddc692bc ab805dea 210dc3cb 93ea04e9 c2005fe1 d9f817d3>;
"statistic_type" = <84c5603e 008cdbc3 411c883d a0ac485b 160c35c8 f5ce7394 0fc06d2d c72ece9d>;
team = <97de1350 f685c550 8de940e6 e0c6d8fc f2cd1b80 94725d1b 535f0ff3 13474223>;
"weather_conditions" = <23bce103 1dbe85b6 c7b92d66 69c2d334 34baf747 8ae60dcc dee2b5e0 b739bf31>;
NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers = (
NSStoreType = Binary;
NSStoreUUID = "829124BC-14FB-43C5-A845-A630BB9603E9";
"_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
reason = "Can't find model for source store";
2016-02-28 16:59:44.228 Lacrosse-Stats[4205:95840] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+entityForName: nil is not a legal NSManagedObjectContext parameter searching for entity name 'team''
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x03ae1a14 __exceptionPreprocess + 180
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x035a2e02 objc_exception_throw + 50
2 CoreData 0x0321c859 +[NSEntityDescription entityForName:inManagedObjectContext:] + 281
3 Lacrosse-Stats 0x001c3619 -[SPTeamsController setTeams] + 217
4 Lacrosse-Stats 0x001c4b55 -[SPTeamsController viewDidLoad] + 741
5 UIKit 0x01e8b2ae -[UIViewController _sendViewDidLoadWithAppearanceProxyObjectTaggingEnabled] + 44
6 UIKit 0x01e8fdce -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 1384
7 UIKit 0x01edb9f9 -[UINavigationController _layoutViewController:] + 52
8 UIKit 0x01edc2b1 -[UINavigationController _updateScrollViewFromViewController:toViewController:] + 421
9 UIKit 0x01edc458 -[UINavigationController _startTransition:fromViewController:toViewController:] + 145
10 UIKit 0x01edd854 -[UINavigationController _startDeferredTransitionIfNeeded:] + 1038
11 UIKit 0x01edeada -[UINavigationController __viewWillLayoutSubviews] + 68
12 UIKit 0x020bac4a -[UILayoutContainerView layoutSubviews] + 252
13 UIKit 0x01d90008 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 810
14 libobjc.A.dylib 0x035b7059 -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 70
15 QuartzCore 0x0111480a -[CALayer layoutSublayers] + 144
16 QuartzCore 0x011084ee _ZN2CA5Layer16layout_if_neededEPNS_11TransactionE + 388
17 QuartzCore 0x01108352 _ZN2CA5Layer28layout_and_display_if_neededEPNS_11TransactionE + 26
18 QuartzCore 0x010fae8b _ZN2CA7Context18commit_transactionEPNS_11TransactionE + 317
19 QuartzCore 0x0112ee03 _ZN2CA11Transaction6commitEv + 561
20 QuartzCore 0x01130674 _ZN2CA11Transaction17flush_transactionEv + 50
21 UIKit 0x01ce6bf8 __84-[UIApplication _handleApplicationActivationWithScene:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke_2 + 111
22 CoreFoundation 0x039fb6e0 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 16
23 CoreFoundation 0x039f1063 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 195
24 CoreFoundation 0x039f0798 __CFRunLoopRun + 1016
25 CoreFoundation 0x039f00e6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 470
26 CoreFoundation 0x039efefb CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
27 GraphicsServices 0x044b1664 GSEventRunModal + 192
28 GraphicsServices 0x044b14a1 GSEventRun + 104
29 UIKit 0x01cc3bfa UIApplicationMain + 160
30 Lacrosse-Stats 0x000ecab9 main + 121
31 libdyld.dylib 0x03f54a21 start + 1
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
也许我需要调整一些架构构建设置?已经离开iOS开发世界几年了,所以不了解所有变化的所有细节 - 更多的是对这些事物的高层次意识。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我搜索了它打印的第一个错误(创建LLDB目标时出错)并找到了这个:Xcode - Error creating LLDB target
答案 1 :(得分:0)