
时间:2016-02-28 20:01:21

标签: image matlab image-processing


enter image description here


enter image description here


example of the desired result

第一组图像不能简单地调整为319x319,因为海狸与剪影不匹配。大约有100张不同的" 海狸大小 海狸的轮廓尺寸 & #34;关系。有没有办法自动化这个程序?

到目前为止,我已经尝试了@cxw建议到第2步。这是我使用的EllipseDirectFit的代码。这是我的code用椭圆拟合绘制图像。我不知道如何继续执行步骤3-5 ..我想从EllipseDirectFit函数 - > 2 * abs(A(1))应该是ellipsi的主轴。 (注意:' a1.bmp'是真实的图像,而b1.bmp'是剪影)。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


% fetching the images
realList = getAllFiles('./real_images'); % getAllFiles => StackOverflow function
silhList = getAllFiles('./silhouettes');

for qq = 1:numel(realList)
    % Name of the file to save
    str = realList{qq}(15:end);

    a = imread(realList{qq});   % assign real image
    background_Ra = a(1,1,1);   % getting the background colors
    background_Ga = a(1,1,2);
    background_Ba = a(1,1,3);
    % finding the points (x,y) to pass to fit_ellipse
    [x1,y1]=find(a(:,:,1)~=background_Ra | a(:,:,2)~=background_Ga | a(:,:,3)~=background_Ba);
    % fitting an ellipse to these points
    z1 = fit_ellipse(x1,y1); % Mathworks file exchange function

    b = imread(silhList{qq});   % assign silhouette image
    background_R2b = b(1,1,1);  % getting the background colors
    background_G2b = b(1,1,2);
    background_B2b = b(1,1,3);
    % finding the points (x,y) to pass to fit_ellipse
    [x2,y2]=find(b(:,:,1)~=background_R2b & b(:,:,2)~=background_G2b & b(:,:,3)~=background_B2b);
    % fitting an ellipse to these points
    z2 = fit_ellipse(x2,y2);

    % ratio of silhouette's ellipse major axis to real image's ellipse
    % major axis
    ellaxratio = z2.long_axis/z1.long_axis;
    % resizing based on ellaxratio, so that the real image object size will
    % now fit the silhouette's image object size
    c = imresize(a,ellaxratio); c = rgb2gray(c);
    bordercolor = c(end,end); 

    % if the resulting image is smaller, add pixels around it until they
    % match with the silhouette image resolution
    if size(c) < 319
        while size(c) < 319
            % 'addborder' is a Mathworks file exchange function
            c = addborder(c(:,:,1),1, bordercolor ,'outer'); 
    % if the resulting image is larger, crop pixels until they match
    else size(c) > 319
        while size(c) > 319
            c = c(2:end-1,2:end-1);

    % in a few cases, the resulting resolution is 318x318, instead of
    % 319x319, so a small adjustment won't hurt.
    if size(c) ~= 319
        c = imresize(c,[319 319]);
    % saving..
    imwrite(c,['./good_fits/' str '.bmp'])

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 对于每个真实图像和轮廓图像:

    1. 获取不是背景的像素的X,Y坐标。 修改在Octave中测试的示例:

      background_R = img(1,1,1)
      background_G = img(1,1,2)
      background_B = img(1,1,3)
      [xs,ys]=find(img(:,:,1)~=background_R | img(:,:,2)~=background_G | img(:,:,3)~=background_B)


    2. 将椭圆拟合到找到的X,Y坐标对。例如,使用File Exchange中的this routine。 (实际上,我认为您可以使用圆形拟合或任何其他适合您想要的形状,只要大小和位置是图像的非背景部分之间的唯一差异。)
  2. 现在您有真实图像和轮廓图像的椭圆参数。假设宽高比相同,那些椭圆应仅在中心和比例上有所不同。
  3. 基于轮廓椭圆长轴长度与实际图像椭圆长轴长度的比率来调整实像(imresize)的大小。现在它们的大小应该相同。
  4. 找到中心。使用上述适合的例程,

    % switch to Mathworld notation from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Ellipse.html
    ma=A(1); mb=A(2)/2; mc=A(3); md=A(4)/2; mf=A(5)/2; mg=A(6);
    center_x = (mc*md-mb*mf)/(mb**2-ma*mc)
    center_y = (ma*mf-mb*md)/(mb**2-ma*mc)
  5. 将实像数据移动到三维矩阵中,使椭圆居中 重合。例如,

    cx_silhouette = ... (as above, for the silhouette image)
    cy_silhouette = ...
    cx_real = ... (as above, for the *resized* real image)
    cy_real = ...
    shifted = zeros(size(silhouette_image)) % where we're going to put the real image
    deltax = cx_silhouette - cx_real
    deltay = cy_silhouette - cy_real
    % if deltax==deltay==0, you're done with this step.  If not:
    portion = resized_real_image(max(deltay,0):319-abs(deltay), max(deltax,0):319-abs(deltax), :);  % or something like that - grab the overlapping part of the resized real image
    shifted(max(deltay,0):min(deltay+319,319), max(deltax,0):min(deltax+319,319), :) = portion; % or something like that - slide the portion of the resized real image in x and y.  Now _shifted_ should line up with the silhouette image.
  6. 使用背景颜色(或黑色轮廓 - 相同的差异)作为遮罩,将经过调整大小的移动实景图像中的像素复制到轮廓图像中。

  7. 希望这有帮助!