在Visual Studio(2015)中,是否可以使用自定义标记或指示符更改注释中的行的颜色/字体,如文本编辑器中所示? IE的方式类似于如何分配任务列表项目并由用户自定义标记化识别。
/* --- Explanatory Comment ---
<> This token is recognized, and the rest of this line appears in orange color.
<1> As a result of the token, this line now appears in a different font.
+ Additional information about the above; the text is light grey.
<?> This line appears in bold (and indicatively curious) blue text.
<!> Extra points, pending the possibility of the aforementioned that the
remainder of the text in line with first character of this paragraph
also conforms to the style as defined by the token preceding it.