也许有人可以帮助我,因为我无法找到错误。我在标有** ... **的行上遇到了类型不匹配错误13。两个变量都包含日期,并声明为日期。如果我调试我的脚本,它显示dateVisitPtLog = 27/01/2016和dateVisitReport = 1/02/2016。为什么我会收到错误?
Dim lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch As Long
Dim lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate As Long
Dim rowReport As Long
Dim nrVisitReport As String
Dim patientNrReport As String
Dim dateVisitReport As Date
Dim nrVisitPtLog As String
Dim dateVisitPtLog As Date
Dim rowPtLog As Long
Dim lastRowUsedPtLog As Long
Dim patientNrPtLog As String
For rowPtLog = 2 To lastRowUsedPtLog
patientNrPtLog = Cells(rowPtLog, 5).Value
nrVisitPtLog = Cells(1, 8).Value
dateVisitPtLog = Cells(rowPtLog, 8).Value
For rowReport = 2 To lastRowUsedReport
dateVisitReport = Sheets("Report").Cells(rowReport, 6)
patientNrReport = Sheets("Report").Cells(rowReport, 2)
nrVisitReport = Sheets("Report").Cells(rowReport, 4)
If patientNrPtLog = patientNrReport And nrVisitPtLog = nrVisitReport Then
If dateVisitPtLog <> dateVisitReport Then
** If dateVisitPtLog <> "" And dateVisitReport = "" Then **
lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate = lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate + 1
Cells(lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate, 2) = patientNrPtLog
Cells(lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate, 3) = nrVisitPtLog
End If
If dateVisitPtLog = "" And dateVisitReport <> "" Then
Sheets("PtLog").Cells(rowPtLog, 8) = dateVisitReport
With Sheets("PtLog").Cells(rowPtLog, 8).Font
.Color = -1003520
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
End If
If dateVisitPtLog <> "" And dateVisitReport <> "" Then
lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch = lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch + 1
Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 9) = patientNrPtLog
Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 10) = nrVisitPtLog
Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 11) = dateVisitReport
Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 12) = dateVisitPtLog
End If
End If
End If
Next rowReport
Next rowPtLog