Rabbitmq安装错误:将插件配置应用于rabbit @ ...失败。 *无法联系节点兔子@

时间:2016-02-25 08:38:44

标签: rabbitmq

我是RabbitMq的新手。我正在我的系统上安装rabbitmq。运行此命令时rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management我收到类似

'call "C:\Program Files\erl7.2.1\bin\erl.exe" -A0 -noinput -boot start_clean -ev
al "net_kernel:start([list_to_atom(""rabbit-gethostname-"" ++ os:getpid()), shor
tnames]), [_, H] = string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), ""@""), io:format(""~s~n"
", [H]), init:stop()."' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Plugin configuration unchanged.

Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@... failed.
 * Could not contact node rabbit@.
   Changes will take effect at broker restart.
 * Options: --online  - fail if broker cannot be contacted.
            --offline - do not try to contact broker.


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