我有以下amchart map
var latlong = data.geo;
var mapData = data.regions;
var minBulletSize = 1;
var maxBulletSize = 50;
var min = Infinity;
var max = -Infinity;
// get min and max values
for (var i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) {
var value = mapData[i].value;
if (value < min) {
min = value;
if (value > max) {
max = value;
AmCharts.theme = AmCharts.themes.light;
window.map = new AmCharts.AmMap();
window.map.areasSettings = {
unlistedAreasColor: "#000000",
unlistedAreasAlpha: 0.1,
autoZoom: true,
selectedColor: "#CC0000"
window.map.smallMap = {
mapColor: "#3faba4"
window.map.mouseWheelZoomEnabled = true;
window.map.zoomOnDoubleClick = true;
window.map.imagesSettings.balloonText = "<span style='font-size:14px;'><b>[[title]]</b>: [[value]]</span>";
window.map.imagesSettings.alpha = 0.8;
var dataProvider = {
mapVar: AmCharts.maps.worldLow,
images: [],
getAreasFromMap: true
for (var i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) {
var dataItem = mapData[i];
var value = dataItem.value;
// calculate size of a bubble
var size = (value - min) / (max - min) * (maxBulletSize - minBulletSize) + minBulletSize;
if (size < minBulletSize) {
size = minBulletSize;
var id = dataItem.code;
type: "circle",
width: size,
height: size,
color: dataItem.color,
longitude: latlong[id].longitude,
latitude: latlong[id].latitude,
title: dataItem.name,
value: value
window.map.dataProvider = dataProvider;
window.map.export = {
enabled: true
window.map.projection = "Miller";
"name":"Greater Manchester",