我正在使用Wordpress中的子主题,我使用此脚本在function load_child_js() {
wp_enqueue_script( "main",get_template_directory_uri()."_child/scripts/main.js");
add_action( "wp_footer", "load_child_js");
public class ListSpdFiles extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String[]> {
public AsyncResponse delegate = null;
private static final String TAG = "ListSpdFiles: ";
Context applicationContext;
ContentResolver spdappliationcontext;
public final CountDownLatch setSignal= new CountDownLatch(1);
private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
String username = "";
* Status code returned by the SPD on operation success.
private static final int SUCCESS = 4;
private boolean createbutt;
private boolean deletebutt;
private String initiator;
private String path;
private String pass;
private String url;
private SecureApp pcas;
private boolean isConnected = false; // connected to PCAS service?
private String CurrentURL = null;
private PcasConnection pcasConnection = new PcasConnection() {
public void onPcasServiceConnected() {
Log.d(TAG, "pcasServiceConnected");
public void onPcasServiceDisconnected() {
Log.d(TAG, "pcasServiceDisconnected");
private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
public ListSpdFiles(boolean createbutt, boolean deletebutt, String url, String pass, Context context, String initiator, String path, AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
this.initiator = initiator;
this.path = path;
this.pass= pass;
this.url= url;
this.createbutt= createbutt;
applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
spdappliationcontext = context.getContentResolver();
delegate = asyncResponse;
private void init() {
Log.d(TAG, "starting task");
pcas = new AndroidNode(applicationContext, pcasConnection);
isConnected = pcas.connect();
private void term() {
Log.d(TAG, "terminating task");
if (pcas != null) {
pcas = null;
isConnected = false;
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected String[] doInBackground(Void... params) {
CurrentURL = getLastAccessedBrowserPage();
// check if connected to PCAS Service
if (!isConnected) {
Log.v(TAG, "not connected, terminating task");
return null;
// wait until connection with SPD is up
try {
if (!latch.await(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
Log.v(TAG, "unable to connected within allotted time, terminating task");
return null;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.v(TAG, "interrupted while waiting for connection in lsdir task");
return null;
// perform operation (this is where the actual operation is called)
try {
return lsdir();
} catch (DeadServiceException e) {
Log.i(TAG, "service boom", e);
return null;
} catch (DeadDeviceException e) {
Log.i(TAG, "device boom", e);
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String[] listOfFiles) {
if (listOfFiles == null) {
Log.i(TAG, "task concluded with null list of files");
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "task concluded with the following list of files: "
+ Arrays.toString(listOfFiles));
protected void onCancelled(String[] listOfFiles) {
Log.i(TAG, "lsdir was canceled");
* Returns an array of strings containing the files available at the given path, or
* {@code null} on failure.
private String[] lsdir() throws DeadDeviceException, DeadServiceException {
Result<List<String>> result = pcas.lsdir(initiator, path); // the lsdir call to the
boolean crtbut = createbutt;
boolean dlbut= deletebutt;
ArrayList<String> mylist = new ArrayList<String>();
final Global globalVariable = (Global) applicationContext;
if (crtbut==false && dlbut == false){
if ( globalVariable.getPasswordButt()==false ) {
final boolean isusername = globalVariable.getIsUsername();
if (isusername == true) {
Log.i(TAG, "current url: " + CurrentURL);
if (Arrays.toString(result.getValue().toArray(new String[0])).contains(CurrentURL)) {
String sharareh = Arrays.toString(result.getValue().toArray(new String[0]));
String[] items = sharareh.split(", ");
for (String item : items) {
String trimmed;
if (item.startsWith("[" + CurrentURL + ".")) {
trimmed = item.replace("[" + CurrentURL + ".", "");
if (trimmed.endsWith(".txt]")) {
trimmed = trimmed.replace(".txt]", "");
mylist.add(trimmed.replace(".txt]", ""));
} else if (trimmed.endsWith(".txt")) {
trimmed = trimmed.replace(".txt", "");
mylist.add(trimmed.replace(".txt", ""));
Log.i(TAG, "list of files sharareh: " + trimmed);
} else if (item.startsWith(CurrentURL + ".")) {
trimmed = item.replace(CurrentURL + ".", "");
if (trimmed.endsWith(".txt]")) {
trimmed = trimmed.replace(".txt]", "");
mylist.add(trimmed.replace(".txt]", ""));
} else if (trimmed.endsWith(".txt")) {
trimmed = trimmed.replace(".txt", "");
mylist.add(trimmed.replace(".txt", ""));
Log.i(TAG, "list of files sharareh: " + trimmed);
Intent i = new Intent(applicationContext, PopUp.class);
i.putExtra("EXTRA_SESSION_ID", mylist);
username = globalVariable.getUsername();
else if (isusername == false)
Log.i(TAG, "Wrong Input Type For Username.");
if (result.getState() != SUCCESS) {
Log.v(TAG, "operation failed");
return null;
if (result.getValue() == null) {
Log.v(TAG, "operation succeeded but operation returned null list");
return null;
return result.getValue().toArray(new String[0]);
if (result.getState() != SUCCESS) {
Log.v(TAG, "operation failed");
return null;
if (result.getValue() == null) {
Log.v(TAG, "operation succeeded but operation returned null list");
return null;
return result.getValue().toArray(new String[0]);
public String getLastAccessedBrowserPage() {
String Domain = null;
Cursor webLinksCursor = spdappliationcontext.query(Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI, Browser.HISTORY_PROJECTION, null, null, Browser.BookmarkColumns.DATE + " DESC");
int row_count = webLinksCursor.getCount();
int title_column_index = webLinksCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Browser.BookmarkColumns.TITLE);
int url_column_index = webLinksCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Browser.BookmarkColumns.URL);
if ((title_column_index > -1) && (url_column_index > -1) && (row_count > 0)) {
while (webLinksCursor.isAfterLast() == false) {
if (webLinksCursor.getInt(Browser.HISTORY_PROJECTION_BOOKMARK_INDEX) != 1) {
if (!webLinksCursor.isNull(url_column_index)) {
Log.i("History", "Last page browsed " + webLinksCursor.getString(url_column_index));
try {
Domain = getDomainName(webLinksCursor.getString(url_column_index));
Log.i("Domain", "Last page browsed " + Domain);
return Domain;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
public String getDomainName(String url) throws URISyntaxException {
URI uri = new URI(url);
String domain = uri.getHost();
return domain.startsWith("www.") ? domain.substring(4) : domain;
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