
时间:2016-02-23 01:20:59

标签: r loops matrix lapply binary-matrix

我正在使用多个分组变量(标记)进行t检验,这些变量只有两个组(0或1)。在完整的数据中有一百万个分组变量,例如n_obs = 1e + 06,nvals = 300,5%NA。

> n_obs = 1e+04 # to simulate grouping matrix
> n_vals = 100
> g = matrix(sample(0:1, n_obs * n_vals, replace=TRUE), n_obs, n_vals)
> row.names(g) = paste("marker", 1:nrow(g), sep="")
> colnames (g) = paste("country", 1:ncol(g), sep="")
> g[1:5,1:2]
    country1 country2 country3 country4 country5
marker1        1        1        1        1        0
marker2        1        0        0        0        0

> vals = rnorm (n_vals) ; names(vals) = colnames(g) # to simulate values
> head(vals)
  country1   country2   country3   country4   country5   country6 
-0.4048584  0.2792725  0.4064460  0.9002677  0.2187961  0.2141666 

> res = apply(g, 1, function(x) t.test(vals~ x)) ## applying the t-tests. Quite slow.

> tres = do.call(rbind, lapply(res, tidy)) ## tidying the t-tests. Very slow :(
> head(tres)
       estimate   estimate1   estimate2   statistic   p.value parameter   conf.low
marker1 -0.03560203 -0.07373907 -0.03813704 -0.17495425 0.8615063  90.52404 -0.4398452
marker2  0.27284988  0.07194537 -0.20090451  1.33127950 0.1863794  92.20240 -0.1341928



> mysplit = split( vals, g[1,])
> lapply(mysplit, mean)
[1] -0.07373907
[1] -0.03813704



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