2182016 | CASH RECEIPT | 3055 2182016 | POSTAGE RA | 2116 2182016 | CASH RECEIPT | 2509
2182016 | CASH RECEIPT | 5564 2182016 | POSTAGE RA | 2116
2182016 | CASH RECEIPT | | 3055 2182016 | POSTAGE RA | | 2116 2182016 | CASH RECEIPT | 1 | 2509
2182016 | CASH RECEIPT | | 549 2182016 | POSTAGE RA | | 2116
商店供应,商店设备,Groc购买,生产Purch,Meat Purch,Frozen Purch,Dairy Purch,Deli Purch,HBA Purch,Tobacco Purch,Fuel,EPS费用,Cpn Face,Cpn Inc,培训,Valassis,回扣1 ,回扣2,回扣3,回扣4,回扣5,回扣6,销售,办公用品,办公设备,办公室培训,办公室租赁,注意安装,注意信用,注意兴趣,VPN
答案 0 :(得分:0)
=SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,2182016,B:B,"CASH RECEIPT",C:C,"<>" & 1)-SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,2182016,B:B,"CASH RECEIPT",C:C,1)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlConnection.NpgsqlConnection(NpgsqlConnection())
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: HOST = <PGSQLSERVER>
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: PORT = <PORT>
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: PROTOCOL = 3
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: DATABASE = testing
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: USER ID = <PGSQLUSERNAME>
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: SSL = False
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: SSLMODE = Disable
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: TIMEOUT = 15
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: POOLING = True
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: CONNECTIONLIFETIME = 15
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: MINPOOLSIZE = 1
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: MAXPOOLSIZE = 20
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: SYNCNOTIFICATION = False
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: COMMANDTIMEOUT = 20
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: ENLIST = False
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: PRELOADREADER = False
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: USEEXTENDEDTYPES = False
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: INTEGRATED SECURITY = True
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ConnectionString Option: COMPATIBLE =
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlConnection.Open()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlClosedState.Instance
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlClosedState.Instance
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlClosedState.Open()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Attempt to connect to '<PGSQLSERVERIP>'.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Normal Connected to: <PGSQLSERVER>:<PORT>.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupPacket.NpgsqlStartupPacket()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupPacket.WriteToStream()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupPacket.WriteToStream_Ver_3()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String written: user.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String written: <PGSQLUSERNAME>.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String written: database.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String written: testing.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String written: DateStyle.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String written: ISO.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlState.ProcessBackendResponses()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug AuthenticationRequest message received from server.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupState.Authenticate()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlPasswordPacket.NpgsqlPasswordPacket()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlPasswordPacket.WriteToStream()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteBytes()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Unable to find resource string Log_BytesWritten for class PGUtil
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug AuthenticationRequest message received from server.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupState.Authenticate()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlPasswordPacket.NpgsqlPasswordPacket()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlPasswordPacket.WriteToStream()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteBytes()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Unable to find resource string Log_BytesWritten for class PGUtil
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String read: FATAL.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String read: XX000.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String read: could not accept SSPI security context.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String read: The token supplied to the function is invalid
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String read: src\backend\libpq\auth.c.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String read: 1024.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug String read: pg_SSPI_error.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Debug ErrorResponse message from Server: could not accept SSPI security context.
2/22/16 12:32:58 PM 11452 Normal An NpgsqlException occured: FATAL: XX000: could not accept SSPI security context.
2/22/16 12:33:02 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlConnection.Dispose()
2/22/16 12:33:03 PM 11452 Debug Entering NpgsqlConnection.Close()
答案 2 :(得分:0)