// variables used
var pLink = document.getElementById('p-link');
var rLink = document.getElementById('r-link');
var bLink = document.getElementById('b-link');
var cLink = document.getElementById('c-link');
var pElement = document.getElementById('slide');
var row2 = document.getElementById('row-2')
var pHeader = document.getElementById('p-header');
//function starts here
window.onscroll = function() {scrollLink() };
function scrollLink() {
when the top of the window scrolls to the top of the page (within 100):
the background color of row-2 (and the color of its text elements) revert back to their original styles
if (document.body.scrollTop > 100 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 100) {
} else {
document.getElementById('row-2').style.backgroundColor = "#5e312b";
document.getElementById('p-header').style.color = "#fff";
pElement.style.color = "#fff";
when the top of the window scrolls to a certain point (past 450):
slide() is executed (text animation - moves from left to center)
} if (document.body.scrollTop > 450 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 450) {
when the top of the window scrolls into row-2 (past 692):
the color of the nav links changes from pink to white and the opacity of the nav links (except portfolio) is reduced
this change is needed for visibility (when bgChange1 is executed - the background turns pink)
when the top of the window scrolls back into row-1 (past 692 in the other direction):
the color and opacity of the nav links reverts back to their original style
} if (document.body.scrollTop > 692 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 692) {
pLink.style.color = "#fff";
rLink.style.color = "#fff";
bLink.style.color = "#fff";
cLink.style.color = "#fff";
rLink.style.opacity = ".6";
bLink.style.opacity = ".6";
cLink.style.opacity = ".6";
} else {
pLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
rLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
bLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
cLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
rLink.style.opacity = "1";
bLink.style.opacity = "1";
cLink.style.opacity = "1";
when the top of the window scrolls into row-3 (past 1800):
the color of the nav links changes to pink
this change is needed for visibility (the previous if statement styled the links white - hard to see against row-3's background)
when the top of the windows scrolls back into row-2 (past 1800 in the other directon):
the color and opacity of the nav links reverts back to their style in row-2
if (document.body.scrollTop > 1800 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 1800) {
pLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
rLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
bLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
cLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
pLink.style.opacity = ".5";
bLink.style.opacity = ".5";
cLink.style.opacity = ".5";
} else {
pLink.style.color = "#fff";
rLink.style.color = "#fff";
bLink.style.color = "#fff";
cLink.style.color = "#fff";
pLink.style.opacity = "1";
bLink.style.opacity = "1";
cLink.style.opacity = "1";
答案 0 :(得分:0)
因为你的ifs都是单独处理的,而不是用else if
当if (document.body.scrollTop > 1800 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 1800) {
if (document.body.scrollTop > 1800 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 1800) {
pLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
rLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
bLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
cLink.style.color = "#D07F8D";
pLink.style.opacity = ".5";
bLink.style.opacity = ".5";
cLink.style.opacity = ".5";
} else {
pLink.style.color = "#fff";
rLink.style.color = "#fff";
bLink.style.color = "#fff";
cLink.style.color = "#fff";
pLink.style.opacity = "1";
bLink.style.opacity = "1";
cLink.style.opacity = "1";