希望从他们的xml Feed中解析ECB FX汇率

时间:2016-02-22 16:50:10

标签: xml parsing lotus-notes domparser

我正在尝试解析欧洲央行网站的当前汇率。 我目前有以下代码:

Sub walkTree ( node As NotesDOMNode)
        This function parses the xml feed to an object
        walkTree runs recursively, meaning that it is
        called only on an NotesDOMNode (a Node) rather than
        on the whole tree!
    %END REM
    Dim child As NotesDOMNode
    Dim elt As NotesDOMNode
    Dim attrs As NotesDOMNamedNodeMap
    Dim a As NotesDOMAttributeNode
    Dim piNode As NotesDOMProcessingInstructionNode
    LF = Chr(13)+Chr(10)

    If Not node.IsNull Then 'If note is not empty
        Select Case node.NodeType   'Switch through NodeType
            'DOMNODETYPE_DOCUMENT_NODE -> Walk child nodes
            'DOMNODETYPE_TEXT_NODE -> Parse text and return currency pare
            'DOMNODETYPE_ELEMENT_NODE -> Usually a node for currency, save the currency and the walk elements to get fx price

        Case DOMNODETYPE_DOCUMENT_NODE:        ' If it is a Document node
            'domParser.Output( "Document node: "+node.Nodename )
            'Set child = node.FirstChild   ' Get the first node
            Dim numChildNodes As Integer
            numChildNodes = node.NumberOfChildNodes
            'domParser.Output(" has "+Cstr(numChildNodes)+" Child Nodes"+LF)

            'Walk child nodes
            While numChildNodes > 0
                If child Is Nothing Then
                    Set child = node.FirstChild   ' Get the first node
                    Set child = child.NextSibling ' Get next node
                End If
                numChildNodes = numChildNodes - 1
                Call walkTree(child) 'Recursively call this same function on child nodes

            'domParser.Output("Document Type node: "+ node.NodeName+LF)

        Case DOMNODETYPE_TEXT_NODE:           ' Plain text node
            'Den Case auskommentieren
            If node.Parentnode.Nodename = "Cube" Or node.Parentnode.Nodename = "Cube time" Then
                'MsgBox CStr(node.NodeValue)
                domParser.Output(node.NodeValue + "##")
            End If


            If node.NodeName = "Cube" Then 'Müsste heissen "Cube"
                Dim numAttr As Integer
                numAttr = node.Attributes.Numberofentries
                Dim aNode As NotesDOMAttributeNode
                Dim bNode As NotesDOMAttributeNode
                Dim copy As NotesDOMNode
                Set copy = node.Firstchild

                ' Setze attr =  node.Attributes
                ' Zähl die anzahl der Attribute
                ' Wenn es keine hat, dann mache nichts
                ' Wenn es mehr als 0 hat, dann speichere attr(0) und attr(1) in einem array
                ' gebe das array in diesem Sub zurück
                ' parse das array so, dass es im Format CHF/CHF##1.0000; zurückkommt
                domParser.Output(node.NodeValue + "~~")
            End If

            Set elt = node
            Dim numChildren As Integer
            numChildren =  elt.NumberOfChildNodes
            Set child = elt.FirstChild     ' Get child
            While numChildren > 0
                Call walkTree(child)
                Set child = child.NextSibling   ' Get next child
                numChildren = numChildren - 1

        Case Else:
            'domParser.Output("Ignoring node: "+Cstr(node.NodeType)+LF)

    End Select  'node.NodeType
    End If        'Not node.IsNull
End Sub

我的代码中的问题是它并没有真正解析费率。它保存了空值。我对Lotus Notes DomParser并不是很熟悉,而且我越来越难以找到错误。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这在很大程度上是一种猜测,但是当使用NotesDOMParser时,你必须要小心我称之为“幻像节点”,它们基本上是空节点,你不希望找到它们。我看到你的代码正在检查is Nothing,但我的经验是,这并不总是足够的。您可能还需要检查isNull()。至少,这就是我在我使用的代码中一直做的事情。

我编写了自己的utilty函数来处理成语中的DOM数据,这对所有Notes / Domino程序员来说应该是简单易懂的。您可以在此处找到它们以与您的代码进行比较。