按查询优化MySQL COUNT / group:仅显示包含相关产品的类别

时间:2016-02-22 02:54:24

标签: mysql sql sql-optimization

select COUNT(p.id) AS `num`, cat.id, cat.name, cat.parent_id AS `parent_id` 
from products p 
INNER JOIN `products_categories` AS `pc` ON p.id=pc.products_id 
INNER JOIN `categories` AS `cat` ON pc.categories_id=cat.id 
WHERE p.status = 1 AND p.gender IN ('female','neutral') 
group by cat.id


1   SIMPLE  p   ref PRIMARY,gender,status   status  1   const   139107  Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1   SIMPLE  pc  ref products_id,categories  products_id 4   mydb.p.id   1   Using index
1   SIMPLE  cat eq_ref  PRIMARY,categoryname    PRIMARY 4   mydb.pc.categories_id   1   Using where


products    0   PRIMARY 1   id  A   299339              BTREE       
products    1   title   1   title   A   299339              BTREE       
products    1   sku 1   sku A   299339              BTREE       
products    1   body    1   body    A   299339  200         BTREE       
products    1   short_description   1   short_description   A   299339  200     YES BTREE       
products    1   keywords    1   keywords    A   2   200         BTREE       
products    1   gender  1   gender  A   10              BTREE       
products    1   status  1   status  A   2               BTREE       
products    1   brand_id    1   brand_id    A   3741            YES BTREE       
products    1   merchant    1   merchant_id A   52              BTREE       
products    1   title_2 1   title,body,keywords     299339              FULLTEXT        
products    1   title_3 1   title       299339              FULLTEXT        
products    1   body_2  1   body        299339              FULLTEXT        

products_categories 0   PRIMARY 1   id  A   514054              BTREE       
products_categories 1   products_id 1   products_id, categories_id  A   514054              BTREE           
products_categories 1   categories  1   categories_id   A   266             BTREE       

categories  0   PRIMARY 1   id  A   154             BTREE       
categories  1   categoryname    1   name    A   154             BTREE       





在AWS RDS上托管的MySQL 5.6.22,InnoDB中的所有表。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



您需要所有select COUNT(p.id) AS `num`, cat.id, cat.name, cat.parent_id AS `parent_id` from products p INNER JOIN products_categories `pc` ON p.id = pc.products_id INNER JOIN categories cat ON pc.categories_id = cat.id WHERE p.status = 1 AND p.gender IN ('female', 'neutral') group by cat.id; 键的索引。我建议joinproducts(status, gender, id)products_categories(products_id, categories_id)


group by

此版本需要select c.*, (select count(*) from products_categories `pc` INNER JOIN products p ON p.id = pc.products_id where pc.categories_id = cat.id AND p.status = 1 AND p.gender IN ('female', 'neutral') ) as cnt from categories c; products_categories(categories_id, products_id)上的索引。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您的查询返回139107个匹配记录,因为您使用的过滤条件不是很有限(状态= 1,性别=女性或中性)。试试这个

    function (successResponse) {
        // Do whatever with response
    function (failResponse) {
        // Do whatever with response

添加url不会自动改善查询。问题是您的过滤条件会返回许多匹配的产品。按性别或布尔状态(true / false)过滤记录可能会因为许多重复值而导致表扫描,即使状态和性别是索引,MySQL仍然认为运行表扫描比使用索引更便宜。


SELECT cat.id, cat.name, cat.parent_id AS `parent_id`,
      COUNT(p.id) AS `num` 
FROM `categories` AS `cat`
INNER JOIN `products_categories` AS `pc` ON pc.categories_id=cat.id 
INNER JOIN products AS p ON p.id=pc.products_id 
WHERE p.status = 1 AND p.gender IN ('female','neutral') 
GROUP BY cat.id
