
时间:2016-02-19 01:05:46

标签: node.js git web-applications amazon-ec2



注意:在设计过程中,我将在安装了git的Amazon EC2实例上托管该网站。

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总之,您需要从Node.js应用程序运行git。 “正在运行”git实际上是产生git进程,this is something you can do natively.

// Spawn a git process.
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const git = spawn('git', ['init']);

// Hook into the close event. See the manual for other events.
git.on('close', (code) => {

    // You can check the return code here to see if an error occured.
    console.log('git init finished with return code ' + code);