select gsb.name "Set of Books Name"
, gsb.set_of_books_id "Set of Books Id"
, gjb.name "Batch Name"
, gjh.name "Journal Name"
, trunc(gjh.date_created) "Journal Header Date Created"
, gjh.status "Journal Header Status"
, gcc.segment1 "Company"
, gcc.segment7 "Interco Code"
, APT.term_id "Term ID"
, APT.Name "Type of Term"
, APT.Description "Term Decription"
, ffvt3.description "Intercompany Descr"
, gcc.segment2 "Natural Account Code"
, ffvt.description "Natural Account Descr"
, gcc.segment3 "Cost Centre Code"
, ffvt2.description "Cost Centre Descr"
, gjl.je_line_num "Je Line Num"
, gjh.currency_code "Currency Code"
, gjl.description "Line Description"
, gjh.period_name "Period Name"
, gpd.period_num "Period Num"
, gpd.period_year "Period Year"
, gjc.user_je_category_name "Category Name"
, gjs.user_je_source_name "Source Name"
, gjl.status "Line Status"
, gjh.actual_flag "Actual Flag"
, nvl(gjl.accounted_dr,0) "Acctd Dr"
, nvl(gjl.accounted_cr,0) "Acctd Cr"
, trunc(gjh.posted_date) "GL Date"
, gjl.attribute3 "Recon Status"
, gjl.effective_date "Line GL Date"
, gjl.reference_1 "Reference1"
, gjl.reference_4 "Reference4"
, gjl.reference_2 "Invoice Id"
, pov.vendor_name "Vendor Name"
, pov.segment1 "Vendor Number"
WHEN gjl.reference_6 = 'CUSTOMER'
THEN gjl.reference_4
ELSE gjl.reference_5
END "Invoice Num"
, gjh.doc_sequence_value "Doc Num"
, gjh.doc_sequence_value "Journal Voucher Num"
, api.invoice_date "Invoice Date"
, api.voucher_num "Image Num"
, api.discount_amount_taken "discount amount"
, api.attribute1 "PO Number"
, api.attribute2 "GRN Number"
, api.attribute3 "Invoice Approver"
, pvs.vendor_site_code "Vendor Site Code"
, gjl.code_combination_id "Code Combination Id"
, gcc.concatenated_segments "Full Account Code"
, api.amount_paid "Amount Paid"
, api.base_amount "Base Amount"
, api.creation_date "Creation Date"
, api.description "AP Inv Description"
, api.invoice_amount "Invoice Amount"
, api.invoice_type_lookup_code "Invoice Type"
, api.source "Invoice Source"
, gjh.posted_date "Posted Date"
, aca.check_date "Payment Date"
, aca.check_number "Payment Number"
, case when gjl.reference_6 = 'CUSTOMER' then gjl.reference_4
else null
end "Trans Number"
, case when gjl.reference_6 = 'CUSTOMER' then
(select distinct customer_name
from ar_customers_v
where customer_number = gjl.reference_5)
else null
end "Customer Name"
from gl_je_batches gjb
, gl_je_headers gjh
, gl_je_lines gjl
, gl_periods gpd
, gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc
, gl_sets_of_books gsb
, gl_je_categories_tl gjc
, gl_je_sources_tl gjs
, fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs
, fnd_flex_values ffv
, fnd_flex_values_tl ffvt
, fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs2
, fnd_flex_values ffv2
, fnd_flex_values_tl ffvt2
, fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs3
, fnd_flex_values ffv3
, fnd_flex_values_tl ffvt3
, ap_invoices_all api
, po_vendors pov
, po_vendor_sites_all pvs
, ap_invoice_payments_all aip
, ap_checks_all aca
where gjb.je_batch_id = gjh.je_batch_id
and gjh.je_header_id = gjl.je_header_id
and gjl.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
and gjc.je_category_name = gjh.je_category
and gjc.language = 'US'
and gjs.je_source_name = gjh.je_source
and gjs.language = 'US'
and ffvs.flex_value_set_id = ffv.flex_value_set_id
and ffvs.flex_value_set_name = XXASW_DISCO_UTIL_PKG.xxasw_get_gl_segment_fvs_name ('SEGMENT2')
and ffv.flex_value = gcc.segment2
and ffv.flex_value_id = ffvt.flex_value_id
and ffvt.language = 'US'
and ffvs2.flex_value_set_id = ffv2.flex_value_set_id
and ffvs2.flex_value_set_name = XXASW_DISCO_UTIL_PKG.xxasw_get_gl_segment_fvs_name ('SEGMENT3')
and ffv2.flex_value = gcc.segment3
and ffv2.flex_value_id = ffvt2.flex_value_id
and ffvt2.language = 'US'
and ffvs3.flex_value_set_id = ffv3.flex_value_set_id
and ffvs3.flex_value_set_name = XXASW_DISCO_UTIL_PKG.xxasw_get_gl_segment_fvs_name ('SEGMENT7')
and ffv3.flex_value = gcc.segment7
and ffv3.flex_value_id = ffvt3.flex_value_id
and ffvt3.language = 'US'
and gpd.period_name = gjh.period_name
and gpd.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
and gjh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
and ((gjl.reference_9 <> 'TRADE_REC')
or (gjl.reference_9 is null))
and (case when gjl.reference_6 = 'AP Invoices'
then to_number(gjl.reference_2) else 0 end ) = api.invoice_id(+)
and gjl.reference_5 = api.invoice_num (+)
and pvs.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id (+)
and api.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id (+)
and api.invoice_id = aip.invoice_id (+)
and aip.check_id = aca.check_id (+)
and api.terms_id = apt.term_id (+)
and ((aca.status_lookup_code = 'NEGOTIABLE')
or (aca.status_lookup_code is null))
and aip.reversal_inv_pmt_id(+) is null
and gcc.segment3 = 5221
and gjh.period_name = 'JAN-16'
and gcc.segment2 between 592712 and 592712
and gcc.segment3 between 0000 and 9999;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
and (case when gjl.reference_6 = 'AP Invoices'
then to_number(gjl.reference_2) else 0 end ) = api.invoice_id(+)
我通过检查该列select reference_2 from gl_je_lines