以下代码是一个python短跑游戏。它是作为我上一篇文章的答案发布的, @mango 你必须尽可能快地点击'a'和'd'来跑100米。但是,有一些错误......
import msvcrt
import time
high_score = 50
name = "no-one"
while True:
distance = int(0)
print('\n\nWelcome to the 100m sprint, tap a and d rapidly to move!')
print('* = 10m')
print("\n**Current record: " + str(high_score) + "s, by: " + name)
print('\nPress enter to start')
start_time = time.time()
while distance < 100:
k1 = msvcrt.getch().decode('ASCII')
if k1 == 'a':
k2 = msvcrt.getch().decode('ASCII')
if k2 == 'd':
distance += 1
if distance == 50:
print("* You're halfway there!")
elif distance % 10 == 0:
fin_time = time.time() - start_time
fin_time = round(fin_time,2)
print('Well done you did it in...'+str(fin_time))
if fin_time < high_score:
print("Well done you've got a new high score ")
name = input("Please enter your name : ")
# these are the modules we'll need
import sys
import tkinter as tk
class SprintGame(object):
# this represents the distance we'll allow our player to run
# NOTE: the distance is in meters
distance = 100
# this represents the stride length of the players legs
# NOTE: basically how far the player can travel in one footstep
stride = 1.5
# this represents the last key the user has pressed
lastKey = ""
# this represents wether or not the race has been completed
completed = False
# this function initiates as soon as the "sprint" variable is defined
def __init__(self):
# create the tk window
self.root = tk.Tk()
# set the tk window size
# set the tk window title
self.root.title("Sprinting Game")
# bind the keypress event to the self.keypress handler
self.root.bind('<KeyPress>', self.keypress)
# center the window
# insert the components
# initial distance notice
self.output("{0}m left to go!".format(self.distance))
# start out wonderful game
# this function centers the window
def centerWindow(self, window):
# get the screen width
width = window.winfo_screenwidth()
# get the screen height
height = window.winfo_screenheight()
# get the screen size
size = tuple(int(_) for _ in window.geometry().split('+') [0].split('x'))
# get the screen's dimensions
x = (width / 2) - (size[0] / 2)
y = (height / 2) - (size[1] / 2)
# set the geometry
window.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (size + (x, y)))
# this function replaces the old text in the textbox with new text
def output(self, text = ""):
self.text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
self.text.insert("end", text)
# this function handles key presses inside the tkinter window
def keypress(self, event):
# get the key and pass it over to self.logic
# this function handles game logic
def logic(self, key):
# convert key to a lower case string
key = str(key).lower()
# let us know how far we've got left
if key == "l":
self.output("{0}m left to go!".format(self.distance))
# restart the race
if key == "r":
# clear the output box
self.text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
# reset the distance
self.distance = 100
# reset the stride
self.stride = 1.5
# reset the last key
self.lastKey = ""
# set race completed to false
self.completed = False
# output restart notice
self.output("The Race Has Been Restarted.")
# don't bother with logic if race is completed
if self.completed == True:
return False
# check if distance is less than or equal to zero (meaning the race is over)
if self.distance <= 0:
# set the "self.completed" variable to True
self.completed = True
# let us know we've completed the race
self.output("Well done, you've completed the race!")
# return true to stop the rest of the logic
return True
# convert the key to lower case
key = key.lower()
# this is the quit function
if key == "q":
# lights out...
# check if the key is a
if key == "a":
# set the last key to a so that we can decrement the "distance"
# variable if it is pressed next
self.lastKey = "a"
# only bother with "d" keypresses if the last key was "a"
if self.lastKey == "a":
# capture the "d" keypress
if key == "d":
# decrement the "distance" variable
self.distance -= self.stride
# let us know how far into the game we are
self.output("{0}m left to go!".format(self.distance))
# this function inserts the components into the window
def insertComponents(self):
# this component contains all of our output
self.text = tk.Text(self.root, background='#d6d167', foreground='#222222', font=('Comic Sans MS', 12))
# lets insert out text component
# this function opens the window and starts the game
def start(self):
# create a new instance of the game
Game = SprintGame()