我已经获得了以下代码摘录,我尝试将一系列值复制到声明的数组中,并且不断向我提供“无法分配给数组&#” 39;错误',
Dim permittedCurve(0 To 7000) As Variant
permittedCurve = activeWorkbook.Worksheets("Origin").Range("AB6:AB7006").value
有人可以帮忙吗?我不认为这两种方法都有任何问题。 : - (
Dim permittedCurve(7000) As Variant
permittedCurve = application.transpose(activeWorkbook.Worksheets("Origin").Range("AB6:AB7006").value)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
dim permittedCurve As Variant
'the following is the same as redim permittedCurve(1 to 3, 1 to 6)
permittedCurve = Range("A1:F3").Value2
debug.print lbound(permittedCurve, 1) & ":" & ubound(permittedCurve, 1)
debug.print lbound(permittedCurve, 2) & ":" & ubound(permittedCurve, 2)
'results from the Immediate window:
考虑到使用本地TRANSPOSE function的问题(和开销),如果您计划从工作表 en masse 来回挖掘值,请坚持使用2-D数组。 / p>
Dim permittedCurve As Variant '<~~ just a variant, not specifically a variant array with 5 elements
Dim indicationCurve(4) As Variant
indicationCurve(0) = 1
indicationCurve(1) = 10
indicationCurve(2) = 100
indicationCurve(3) = 1000
indicationCurve(4) = 10000
'Copying the curves
permittedCurve = indicationCurve
'now it's a variant array with 5 elements
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你可以一次完成一个单元格 - 这似乎是一个缓慢的方法,但只有7000个单元格,它应该在几分之一秒内运行
Dim rngTarget As Range
Set rngTarget = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Origin").Range("AB6:AB7006")
Dim permittedCurve(0 To 7000) As Variant
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(permittedCurve)
permittedCurve(i) = rngTarget.Cells(i + 1, 1)
Next i
编辑1:了解新事物 - 尝试:
Dim permittedCurve() As Variant
ReDim permittedCurve(1 To 7001)
permittedCurve = Application.Transpose(Range("AB6:AB7006"))
For i = 1 To UBound(permittedCurve)
Debug.Print permittedCurve(i)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我今天在Excel 365中遇到了类似的错误(这就是我找到此线程的原因),它看起来像是由于VBA对象有些奇怪。似乎只要将工作表对象与范围分开定义,并且工作表处于活动状态,就可以接受将范围转换为变量的方法。
Dim wkb As Workbook: Set wkb = Workbooks("WorkbookName.xls")
Dim wks As Worksheet: Set wks = wkb.Worksheets("WorksheetName")
Dim strRange As String: strRange = "A1:Z1"
' Setting a range for a worksheet that's not active gives an error
' Don't know why. Just need to do it.
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = wks.Range(strRange)
Dim varRange() As Variant
varRange = rng ' Works
varRange = rng.Value ' Works
varRange = wks.Range(strRange) ' Works
varRange = wkb.Worksheets("WorksheetName").Range(strRange) ' Does not work