I am trying to implement webrtc in a native ios app. I am following this tutorial
The tutorial starts from using the command line and creating a file <#-->The first 4 lines are the same for all attempts. Between attempts I exited PowerShell.<--#>
$Date = Get-Date -DisplayHint Date
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Users,DC=Domain" -SearchScope OneLevel -Properties sAMAccountName |
Select-Object @{Name="User ID";Expression={$_."sAMAccountName"}}, @{Name="Date";Expression={$Date}} |
Export-Csv "C:\File.csv" -NoTypeInformation
#-->First Attempt<--#
$Import = Import-Csv C:\File.csv
$Sample = Get-Random -InputObject $Import -Count 20
$List = $Import -ne $Sample
#This shows 20.
#These both show the same number instead of $List being 20 less than $Import.
#-->Second Attempt<--#
$Import = Get-Content C:\File.csv
$Sample = Get-Random -InputObject $Import -Count 20
$List = $Import -ne $Sample
#This shows 20.
#These both show the same number instead of $List being 20 less than $Import.
#-->Third Attempt<--#
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Import = Import-Csv C:\File.csv
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Sample = Get-Random -InputObject $Import -Count 20
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$List = $Import -ne $Sample
#This shows 20.
#These both show the same number instead of $List being 20 less than $Import.
#-->Fourth Attempt<--#
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Import = Import-Csv C:\File.csv
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Sample = Get-Random -InputObject $Import -Count 20
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$List = $Import.Remove($Sample)
#This shows 20.
#This shows 1000.
#This shows 0.
Step 2 states
2) Download the Chromium depot tools
Switch into your working directory and grab the Chromium depot_tools repository with git:
These are a bunch of tools used during the build process, and they will need to be in your path so you will need to modify your .bash_profile (or other shell file) and modify the PATH line like so:
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
I am a little confused as what to put into the .bash_profile, what goes inside of export PATH=/a_bunch_of_stuff:/working_directory/depot_tools:$PATH
, and is there anything else I should be adding to this .bash_profile?
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You are just adding one more location to the $PATH. /a_bunch_of_stuff:/ just means all the stuff that is already in your $PATH. The one new location you are adding is the location of your depot_tools.