Admob does not load ads by keywords

时间:2016-02-12 20:43:47

标签: android admob keyword ads targeting

I just integrate Admob for the first time in one of my applications. I have seen that using scala> import spray.json._ import spray.json._ scala> def stringifyTwice(json: JsValue): String = | JsString(json.compactPrint).compactPrint stringify: (json: spray.json.JsValue)String scala> val obj: JsValue = JsObject("foo" -> JsString("bar"), "bippy" -> JsString("bap \" biz")) obj: spray.json.JsValue = {"foo":"bar","bippy":"bap \" biz"} scala> stringifyTwice(obj) res0: String = "{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"bippy\":\"bap \\\" biz\"}" you may try to load ads depending on the words that are included. I have included in the latest evidence of a date of birthday and location. I have two days tried to show at least one advertisement associated with any of the words you use, but I haven't gotten anything until now. It is normal? Is there any way to show ads that have a relationship with something?

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