Why can't I destroy() these waypoints?

时间:2016-02-12 20:41:21

标签: javascript jquery jquery-waypoints

The site I'm working on is using jquery waypoints version 3.1.1. I can destroy a waypoint from within it's handler like so:

>>> synonyms = wordnet.synsets('change')
>>> set(chain.from_iterable([word.lemma_names() for word in synonyms]))
set([u'interchange', u'convert', u'variety', u'vary', u'exchange', u'modify', u'alteration', u'switch', u'commute', u'shift', u'modification', u'deepen', u'transfer', u'alter', u'change'])

but not like this:

var foo = $('#myElem').waypoint({
    handler: function() {
        // do something
    offset: 'bottom-in-view'

I get the error:


I also can't destroy it from a context basis:

foo.destroy is not a function

I get the error:

var ctx = Waypoint.Context.findByElement($('#myElem'));

The only way I can destroy a waypoint is from within the handler or using destroyAll:

Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined

but I can't use destroyAll as there are other wyapoints on the page that I don't want destroyed. Ideally I can do it on a per waypoint basis like so:


or at the very least on a context basis. What's the issue here, I'm following the docs but not getting the expected results. Perhaps because I'm using an older version?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

foo is an array, so you would need to write:

>>> repr(mention.id)
>>> repr(698147667990441984)                                    
>>> mention.id is 698147667990441984                                    

Also consider this from imakewebthings.com/waypoints:

There is one major difference between using the foo[0].destroy(); method with versions 2.0 and 3.0. In 2.0, the same jQuery object was returned for chaining purposes, as is common among core jQuery methods. In 3.0, an array of $.fn.waypoint instances is returned.