集合中的一个项目thisDay是一个迭代变量,用于遍历myDays Collection的项目。
myMonth.myDays(thisDay).myFirstPriority = "task1"
我的目标是更改myDays Collection中包含的item myFirstPriority的值。 myDays本身就是myMonth中包含的一个项目。
编辑:约翰科尔曼知道他的东西,...错误恢复下一个= P
'Main Procedure
Public Sub PopulateBarData()
Debug.Print "Begin Workflow"
Debug.Print " "
Dim pbl As cProcessBarLog
Dim arrBli() As cBarLogItem
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, endRow As Integer, thisRow As Integer, nextRow As Integer, prevRow As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsQS As Worksheet
Dim myChartIndex() As Integer
Dim myPrices() As Collection
'Do Something
Set wsQS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
endRow = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Call createChartIndex(myChartIndex, ByVal endRow)
Set pbl = New cProcessBarLog
Set pbl.BarLogitems = loadmyPrices(ws, endRow, myChartIndex)
Call calcPVmetrics(wsQS, pbl, pbl.BarLogitems, endRow) <--- in here
End Sub
'Builds myChartIndex from last row first,
Public Sub createChartIndex(ByRef myChartIndex, ByVal endRow)
ReDim myChartIndex(1 To endRow)
Dim x As Integer, lastrowfirst As Integer
lastrowfirst = endRow
For x = 1 To endRow
myChartIndex(x) = lastrowfirst
lastrowfirst = lastrowfirst - 1
Next x
End Sub
'Loads myPrice Collection with values from sheet "Data"
Public Function loadmyPrices(ByRef ws, ByVal endRow, ByRef myChartIndex) As Collection
Dim dayDate As Date
Dim dayOpen As Currency, dayClose As Currency, dayHigh As Currency, dayLow As Currency
Dim dayPDx As Integer, dayVDx As Integer
Dim DayVol As Long, DayChg As Currency, DayRange As Currency
Dim prevOpen As Currency, prevHigh As Currency, prevLow As Currency
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, thisRow As Integer, nextRow As Integer, prevRow As Integer
Debug.Print "load myPrices Collection"
Dim clnBlis As Collection 'collectionBarLogItems
Dim bli As cBarLogItem
'Put some data in the collection'
Set clnBlis = New Collection
i = endRow
While i >= 2 'go until 2nd row
'Working up the sheet doing whatever
thisRow = i 'the current row or date under consideration
nextRow = i - 1 'the row above (next day) since we are working from EOF up to first record
prevRow = i + 1 'the row below (previous day)
dayDate = ws.Cells(i, 1).Value 'Data Sheet Column A
dayOpen = ws.Cells(i, 2).Value 'Data Sheet Column B
dayHigh = ws.Cells(i, 3).Value 'Data Sheet Column C
dayLow = ws.Cells(i, 4).Value 'Data Sheet Column D
dayClose = ws.Cells(i, 5).Value 'Data Sheet Column E
DayVol = ws.Cells(i, 6).Value 'Data Sheet Column F
DayChg = dayClose - dayOpen
DayRange = dayHigh - dayLow
'myPriceArray(1, i) = thisRow
Set bli = New cBarLogItem
bli.RowID = thisRow
bli.BarID = myChartIndex(i)
bli.BarDate = dayDate
bli.BarOpen = dayOpen
bli.BarClose = dayClose
bli.DayChg = DayChg
bli.BarLow = dayLow
bli.BarHigh = dayHigh
bli.DayVol = DayVol
bli.DayRange = DayRange
clnBlis.Add bli
Debug.Print bli.BarID & " " & bli.RowID & " " & bli.BarDate & " " & bli.BarOpen & " " & bli.BarClose & " " & bli.DayRange & " " & bli.PDx
Set loadmyPrices = clnBlis
i = i - 1
End Function
Public Sub calcPVmetrics(ByRef wsQS, ByRef pbl, ByRef BarLogitems, ByVal endRow)
On Error Resume Next 'stackoverflow divide by zero for first bar looking for prev bar
Dim dayDate As Date
Dim dayOpen As Currency, dayClose As Currency, dayHigh As Currency, dayLow As Currency
Dim DayChg As Currency, DayChgPct As Currency
Dim ldayVol As Long, DayVolChg As Long, DayVolChgPct As Currency, Vol65DayAvg As Long
Dim prevOpen As Currency, prevClose As Currency, prevHigh As Currency, prevLow As Currency, prevVol As Long
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, thisRow As Integer, nextRow As Integer, prevRow As Integer, prevDate As Date
i = endRow - 1 'begin comparisons at 2nd bar
While i >= 2 'go until 2nd row
thisRow = i 'the current row or date under consideration
nextRow = i + 1 'the row above (next day) since we are working from EOF up to first record
prevRow = i - 1 'the row below (previous day)
'myPriceArray(1, i) = thisRow
Dim iBarID As Integer, iRowID
'load variables
iBarID = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).BarID
iRowID = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).RowID
dayDate = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).BarDate
dayOpen = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).BarOpen
dayHigh = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).BarHigh
dayLow = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).BarLow
dayClose = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).BarClose
ldayVol = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).DayVol
prevDate = pbl.BarLogitems(prevRow).BarDate
prevOpen = pbl.BarLogitems(prevRow).BarOpen
prevHigh = pbl.BarLogitems(prevRow).BarHigh
prevLow = pbl.BarLogitems(prevRow).BarLow
prevClose = pbl.BarLogitems(prevRow).BarClose
prevVol = pbl.BarLogitems(prevRow).DayVol
'determine price direction
If dayClose > dayOpen Then
Dim temp As Integer
'temp = pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).Item("PDx")
'pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).Remove "PDx"
'pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).Add Item:=1, Key:="PDx"
'pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).Remove "PDx"
'pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).Add 1, "PDx"
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).PDx = 1 <-----------does not change value of property PDx.
Debug.Print pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).PDx
'code needed to assign a value to an item of a collection
'within a collection. None of the following assignments
'changes the value
End If
If dayClose < dayOpen Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).PDx = 0
End If
'determine volume direction
If ldayVol > prevVol Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).VDx = 1
'End If
'If DayVol < preveVol Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).VDx = 0
End If
'Open of Bar
If dayOpen > prevOpen Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HO = 1 ' open to open
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LO = 0
End If
If dayOpen < prevOpen Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LO = 1
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HO = 0
End If
'High of Bar
If dayHigh > prevHigh Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HH = 1 ' high to high
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LH = 0
End If
If dayHigh < prevHigh Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LH = 1
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HH = 0
End If
'Low of Bar
If dayLow > prevLow Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HL = 1 ' Low to low
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LL = 0
End If
If dayLow < prevLow Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LL = 1
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HL = 0
End If
'Close of bar
If dayClose > prevClose Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HC = 1 'close to close
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LC = 0
End If
If dayClose < prevClose Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).LC = 1
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).HC = 0
End If
'determine day Change percent
DayChg = dayClose - prevClose
DayChgPct = (DayChg / prevClose) * 100
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).DayChgPct = DayChgPct
'determine day Volume Change percent
DayVolChg = ldayVol - prevVol
DayVolChgPct = (DayVolChg / prevVol) * 100
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).DayVolChgPct = DayVolChgPct
'determine AD = ((Close -Low)-(High-Close))/(High-Low) * PeriodVolume
Dim AccDist As Currency
Dim MFM As Currency
Dim ADx As Integer
MFM = ((dayClose - dayLow) - (dayHigh - dayClose)) / (dayHigh - dayLow)
AccDist = MFM * ldayVol
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).MFM = MFM
If MFM > 0 Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).ADx = 1
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).ADx = 0
End If
'Determine if day Volume is above or below 65day Vol avg
Vol65DayAvg = wsQS.Cells(15, 2).Value
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).Vol65DayAvg = Vol65DayAvg
If ldayVol > Vol65DayAvg Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).V65Dx = 1
End If
If ldayVol < Vol65DayAvg Then
pbl.BarLogitems(thisRow).V65Dx = 0
End If
i = i - 1
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private pRowID As Long
Private pBarID As Long
Private pSymbol As String
Private pBarDate As Date
Private pBarOpen As Currency, pBarClose As Currency, pBarLow As Currency, pBarHigh As Currency
Private pDayChg As Currency, pDayChgPct As Currency, pDayRange As Currency
Private pDayVol As Long, pDayVolChg As Currency, pDayVolChgPct As Currency, pMFM As Currency 'MoneyFlowMultiplier
Private pPDx As Integer, pVDx As Integer, pADx As Integer, pPTrend As Integer, pVTrend As Integer, pVPeriod As Integer
Private pV65Dx As Integer, pVxDx As Integer
Private pPrPeriod As Integer, pPeriod As Integer, pPeriodTape As Integer, pPeriodTraverse As Integer, pPeriodChannel As Integer
Private pHH As Integer, pLH As Integer, pHL As Integer, pLL As Integer
Private pHC As Integer, pHO As Integer, pLC As Integer, pLO As Integer
Private pVolHH As Integer, pVolLH As Integer, pVolAbovePeriodAvg As Integer, pVolBelowPeriodAvg As Integer
Private pVolPaceShort As Integer, pVolPaceLong As Integer, pVolPacePeriodAvg As Integer, pVol65DayAvg As Long
Private pPT1 As Integer, pPT2 As Integer, pPT3 As Integer
'Index & Identifying
Public Property Get RowID() As Long
RowID = pRowID
End Property
Public Property Let RowID(lRowID As Long)
pRowID = lRowID
End Property
Public Property Get BarID() As Long
BarID = pBarID
End Property
Public Property Let BarID(lBarID As Long)
pBarID = lBarID
End Property
Public Property Get Symbol() As String
Symbol = pSymbol
End Property
Public Property Let Symbol(strSymbol As String)
pSymbol = strSymbol
End Property
Public Property Get BarDate() As Date
BarDate = pBarDate
End Property
Public Property Let BarDate(dBarDate As Date)
pBarDate = dBarDate
End Property
'Data Detail
Public Property Get BarOpen() As Currency
BarOpen = pBarOpen
End Property
Public Property Let BarOpen(cBarOpen As Currency)
pBarOpen = cBarOpen
End Property
Public Property Get BarClose() As Currency
BarClose = pBarClose
End Property
Public Property Let BarClose(cBarClose As Currency)
pBarClose = cBarClose
End Property
Public Property Get BarLow() As Currency
BarLow = pBarLow
End Property
Public Property Let BarLow(cBarLow As Currency)
pBarLow = cBarLow
End Property
Public Property Get BarHigh() As Currency
BarHigh = pBarHigh
End Property
Public Property Let BarHigh(cBarHigh As Currency)
pBarHigh = cBarHigh
End Property
Public Property Get DayChg() As Currency
DayChg = pDayChg
End Property
Public Property Let DayChg(cDayChg As Currency)
pDayChg = cDayChg
End Property
Public Property Get DayChgPct() As Currency
DayChgPct = pDayChgPct
End Property
Public Property Let DayChgPct(cDayChgPct As Currency)
pDayChgPct = cDayChgPct
End Property
Public Property Get DayRange() As Currency
DayRange = pDayRange
End Property
Public Property Let DayRange(cDayRange As Currency)
pDayRange = cDayRange
End Property
Public Property Get DayVol() As Long
DayVol = pDayVol
End Property
Public Property Let DayVol(ldayVol As Long)
pDayVol = ldayVol
End Property
Public Property Get DayVolChg() As Long
DayVolChg = pDayVolChg
End Property
Public Property Let DayVolChg(lDayVolChg As Long)
pDayVolChg = lDayVolChg
End Property
Public Property Get DayVolChgPct() As Currency
DayVolChgPct = pDayVolChgPct
End Property
Public Property Let DayVolChgPct(cDayVolChgPct As Currency)
pDayVolChgPct = cDayVolChgPct
End Property
'MFM - Money Flow Multiplier
Public Property Get MFM() As Currency
End Property
Public Property Let MFM(cMFM As Currency)
End Property
Public Property Get PDx() As Integer
PDx = pPDx
End Property
Public Property Let PDx(iPDx As Integer)
pPDx = iPDx
End Property
Public Property Get VDx() As Integer
VDx = pVDx
End Property
Public Property Let VDx(iVDx As Integer)
pVDx = iVDx
End Property
Public Property Get ADx() As Integer
ADx = pADx
End Property
Public Property Let ADx(iADx As Integer)
pADx = iADx
End Property
Public Property Get V65Dx() As Integer
V65Dx = pV65Dx
End Property
Public Property Let V65Dx(iV65Dx As Integer)
pV65Dx = iV65Dx
End Property
Public Property Get VxDx() As Integer
VxDx = pVxDx
End Property
Public Property Let VxDx(iVxDx As Integer)
pVxDx = iVxDx
End Property
Public Property Get PTrend() As Integer
PTrend = pPTrend
End Property
Public Property Let PTrend(iPTrend As Integer)
pPTrend = iPTrend
End Property
Public Property Get VTrend() As Integer
VTrend = pVTrend
End Property
Public Property Let VTrend(iVTrend As Integer)
pVTrend = iVTrend
End Property
Public Property Get Period() As Integer
Period = pPeriod
End Property
Public Property Let Period(iPeriod As Integer)
pPeriod = iPeriod
End Property
Public Property Get PrPeriod() As Integer
PrPeriod = pPrPeriod
End Property
Public Property Let PrPeriod(iPrPeriod As Integer)
pPrPeriod = iPrPeriod
End Property
Public Property Get VPeriod() As Integer
VPeriod = pVPeriod
End Property
Public Property Let VPeriod(iVPeriod As Integer)
pVPeriod = iVPeriod
End Property
Public Property Get PeriodTape() As Integer
PeriodTape = pPeriodTape
End Property
Public Property Let PeriodTape(iPeriodTape As Integer)
pPeriodTape = iPeriodTape
End Property
Public Property Get PeriodTraverse() As Integer
PeriodTraverse = pPeriodTraverse
End Property
Public Property Let PeriodTraverse(iPeriodTraverse As Integer)
pPeriodTraverse = iPeriodTraverse
End Property
Public Property Get PeriodChannel() As Integer
PeriodChannel = pPeriodChannel
End Property
Public Property Let PeriodChannel(iPeriodChannel As Integer)
pPeriodChannel = iPeriodChannel
End Property
'Price Matrix 1 = yes, 0 = no
Public Property Get HH() As Integer
HH = pHH
End Property
Public Property Let HH(iHH As Integer)
pHH = iHH
End Property
Public Property Get LH() As Integer
LH = pLH
End Property
Public Property Let LH(iLH As Integer)
pLH = iLH
End Property
Public Property Get HL() As Integer
HL = pHL
End Property
Public Property Let HL(iHL As Integer)
pHL = iHL
End Property
Public Property Get LL() As Integer
LL = pLL
End Property
Public Property Let LL(iLL As Integer)
pLL = iLL
End Property
Public Property Get HO() As Integer
HO = pHO
End Property
Public Property Let HO(iHO As Integer)
pHO = iHO
End Property
Public Property Get LO() As Integer
LO = pLO
End Property
Public Property Let LO(iLO As Integer)
pLO = iLO
End Property
Public Property Get HC() As Integer
HC = pHC
End Property
Public Property Let HC(iHC As Integer)
pHC = iHC
End Property
Public Property Get LC() As Integer
LC = pLC
End Property
Public Property Let LC(iLC As Integer)
pLC = iLC
End Property
'Volume Data
'This Bar´s Volume compared to prior Bar
Public Property Get VolHH() As Integer
VolHH = pVolHH
End Property
Public Property Let VolHH(iVolHH As Integer)
pVolHH = iVolHH
End Property
Public Property Get VolLH() As Integer
VolLH = pVolLH
End Property
Public Property Let VolLH(iVolLH As Integer)
pVolLH = iVolLH
End Property
Public Property Get VolAbovePeriodAvg() As Integer
VolAbovePeriodAvg = pVolAbovePeriodAvg
End Property
Public Property Let VolAbovePeriodAvg(iVolAbovePeriodAvg As Integer)
pVolAbovePeriodAvg = iVolAbovePeriodAvg
End Property
Public Property Get VolBelowPeriodAvg() As Integer
VolBelowPeriodAvg = pVolBelowPeriodAvg
End Property
Public Property Let VolBelowPeriodAvg(iVolBelowPeriodAvg As Integer)
pVolBelowPeriodAvg = iVolBelowPeriodAvg
End Property
Public Property Get VolPaceShort() As Integer
VolPaceShort = pVolPaceShort
End Property
Public Property Let VolPaceShort(iVolPaceShort As Integer)
pVolPaceShort = iVolPaceShort
End Property
Public Property Get VolPaceLong() As Integer
VolPaceLong = pVolPaceLong
End Property
Public Property Let VolPaceLong(iVolPaceLong As Integer)
pVolPaceLong = iVolPaceLong
End Property
Public Property Get VolPacePeriodAvg() As Long
VolPacePeriodAvg = pVolPacePeriodAvg
End Property
Public Property Let VolPacePeriodAvg(iVolPacePeriodAvg As Long)
pVolPacePeriodAvg = iVolPacePeriodAvg
End Property
Public Property Get Vol65DayAvg() As Long
Vol65DayAvg = pVol65DayAvg
End Property
Public Property Let Vol65DayAvg(iVol65DayAvg As Long)
pVol65DayAvg = iVol65DayAvg
End Property
'Point1, Point2, Point3, Long or Short
Public Property Get PT1() As Integer
PT1 = pPT1
End Property
Public Property Let PT1(iPT1 As Integer)
pPT1 = iPT1
End Property
Public Property Get PT2() As Integer
PT2 = pPT2
End Property
Public Property Let PT2(iPT2 As Integer)
pPT2 = iPT2
End Property
Public Property Get PT3() As Integer
PT3 = pPT3
End Property
Public Property Let PT3(iPT3 As Integer)
pPT3 = iPT3
End Property