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答案 0 :(得分:4)
之外的所有比较都是将日期强制转换为数字(它们的时间值,自The Epoch以来的毫秒数),然后比较这些数字。 ===
是否引用相同的对象。 (==
// Create two Date instances, check if a's time value is less than b's
// (probably not, but it's just feasible this could cross a millisecond
// threshold)
(a = new Date()) < (b = new Date())
// Show the value of a and b
a // Thu Feb 11 2016 12:24:19 GMT+0000 (GMT)
b // Thu Feb 11 2016 12:24:19 GMT+0000 (GMT)
// See if a's time value is less than b's
a < b // false
// See if a and b refer to the same object (they don't)
a === b // false
// See if a's time value is greater than b's
a > b // false
// See if a's time value is less than or equal to b's
a <= b // true
// See if a's time value is greater than or equal to b's
a >= b
(a = new Date()) < (b = new Date())
a // Thu Feb 11 2016 12:24:19 GMT+0000 (GMT)
b // Thu Feb 11 2016 12:24:19 GMT+0000 (GMT)
+a < +b // false
a === b // false
+a > +b // false
+a <= +b // true
+a >= +b
请注意,如果时间完全相同,则+a === +b
(或+a == +b
或 - 非常棘手 - +a == b
或a == +b
var a, b;
var now = Date.now(); // = +new Date(); on old browsers
show("create and compare: ", (a = new Date(now)) < (b = new Date(now)), "a's time is not < b's");
show("+a < +b: ", +a < +b, "a's time is not < b's");
show("a < b: ", a < b, "a's time is not < b's");
show("a === b: ", a === b, "a and b don't refer to the same object");
show("a == b: ", a == b, "a and b don't refer to the same object");
show("+a === +b: ", +a === +b, "their time values are the same");
show("+a == +b: ", +a == +b, "their time values are the same");
show("+a > +b: ", +a > +b, "a's time is not > b's");
show("a > b: ", a > b, "a's time is not > b's");
show("+a <= +b: ", +a <= +b, "a's time is equal to b's");
show("a <= b: ", a <= b, "a's time is equal to b's");
show("+a >= +b: ", +a >= +b, "a's time is equal to b's ");
show("a >= b: ", a >= b, "a's time is equal to b's ");
function show(prefix, result, because) {
var msg = prefix + result + ", " + because;
var pre = document.createElement('pre');
pre.innerHTML = msg.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<");
答案 1 :(得分:0)
a.getTime() === b.getTime() //true
a.getTime() > b.getTime() //false